Today, the application for the #IRSSprA „Spaces of #Financialisation & De-Financialisation“ closes. 🚨
🌀Hurry - you can still submit your application including a short motivational letter, your CV & a short description of your research project.
This year's #IRSSprA focuses on the entrance of institutional investors into housing markets (#financialisation) as weil as alternative ways of housing production & consumption (de-financialisation).
Come & take part in a thrilling programme. Applications are only open 1 more day, until tomorrow, Feb 28th!
Meet #IRSlerIn Oliver Ibert - organiser of the #IRSSprA + our director as well as spokesperson of the working group “Concepts of Crisis” as a part of the Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a globalized world”.
📬2 days to apply. Learn more here:
Meet #IRSlerIn Matthias Bernt - organiser of #IRSSprA & author of “The Commodification Gap. Gentrification & Public Policy in London, Berlin & St. Petersburg”. Beyond his extensive academic work on the topic, he is active in policy-advice ard housing issues.
📨3 days to apply!
Meet @AndrejHolm from #HUBerlin - organiser of #IRSSprA. He has been researching housing policy & socio-spatial changes for > 20 years. And advises & supports initiatives that advocate for a social housing policy & seek for practical housing alternatives.
📮4 days to apply!
Meet #IRSlerIn Georgia Alexandri - organiser of #IRSSprA. As a researcher she focuses on the processes that restructure cities & transform societies; e.g. #gentrification, displacement & housing financialisation.
⏰Apply by Feb 28th!
#irslerin #irsspra #gentrification
PhDs & early post-docs from Political & Social Sciences, Geography, Planning & Economics join us for the #IRSSprA on (housing) #Financialisation. Application is easy: Just send us
♦️a short motivational letter,
♦️your CV &
♦️a short description of your research project
by Feb 28th!
🚨 Only one week left: Submit your applications for this year's #IRSSprA „Spaces of #Financialisation & De-Financialisation“ until Feb 28. 🚨
PhDs & junior researchers come & join us in May in Berlin:
Doctoral students + junior researchers: Join us for the IRS Spring Academy „Spaces of #Financialisation & De-Financialisation“ in May in #Berlin: you’ll learn from the best❗️ & have plenty networking opportunities.
No tuition fees charged. Applications close on Feb 28! #IRSSprA
#financialisation #berlin #irsspra
Meet Michael Janoschka – workshop host at #IRSSprA, who – for more than 20 years – has been researching on the transformation of housing markets in Southern Europe, Latin America & in German cities. He is professor & head of the Institute for Regional Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Learn more & apply:
Meet Sabine Dörry – workshop host at #IRSSprA: Recently, she focuses on the way #blockchain technologies alter the defining mechanisms of residential real estate transactions. She is Senior Research Fellow at the
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) & an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Luxembourg 🇱🇺
🗓️Apply by Feb 28th!
Meet Desire Fields - key speaker at #IRSSprA: Her research shows how financial processes & digital technologies are shifting the terrain of the #housing❓. She is Assoc at the UC Berkeley 🇺🇸 & co-director of Global Metropolitan Studies.
Apply now!
Meet Manuel B. Aalbers - key speaker at #IRSSprA, who has published extensively on #financialisation, the #privatisation of social housing & gentrification.
He is professor at #KU_Leuven 🇧🇪 .
We are looking forward to your application! Due on Feb 28th!
#irsspra #financialisation #privatisation #ku_leuven
📢 Listen up: Applications are now open for the IRS Spring Academy „Spaces of #Financialisation and De-Financialisation“ in May in Berlin - with a fantastic line up with Desiree Fields from #BerkleyUniversity, @AndrejHolm, Manuel Aalbers from #KULeuven, Sabine Dörry from #LISERinLUX & many #IRSLerIn|nen!
Our partner Georg Simmel Center at #HUBerlin & we can’t wait to welcome you!
Follow us for news on the topic and the programme 👍 #IRSSprA
#financialisation #berkleyuniversity #kuleuven #liserinlux #irslerin #huberlin #irsspra