Happy anniversary to “The Empire Strikes Back”. Opening in theaters on this day in 1980. #theempirestrikesback #starwars #maytheforcebewithyou #bobafett #irvinkershner #rogerkastel
#theempirestrikesback #starwars #maytheforcebewithyou #bobafett #irvinkershner #rogerkastel
El 29 de abril de 1923 nace el director Irvin Kershner.
On April 29, 1923, director Irvin Kershner was born.
#irvinkershner #tesb #theempirestrikesback #starwars
Never Say Never Again (1983)
⭐ Sean Connery, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Max von Sydow, Barbara Carrera, Kim Basinger, Bernie Casey
🎥 Irvin Kershner
🌍 Cala Palo, Almería, Spain 🇪🇸
#NeverSayNeverAgain #JamesBond #007 #IrvinKershner #SeanConnery #KlausMariaBrandauer #MaxvonSydow #BarbaraCarrera #KimBasinger #BernieCasey #CalaPalo #Almeria #Spain
#neversayneveragain #jamesbond #irvinkershner #seanconnery #klausmariabrandauer #maxvonsydow #barbaracarrera #kimbasinger #berniecasey #calapalo #almeria #spain
53 years ago:
Loving (US)
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.
#Loving #IrvinKershner #GeorgeSegal #EvaMarieSaint #SterlingHayden #Columbia #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#loving #irvinkershner #GeorgeSegal #evamariesaint #sterlinghayden #columbia #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
“La guerra no le hace a uno grandioso.”
- Yoda, Star Wars V El Imperio contraataca (1980)
#starwars #starwarsV #elimperiocontraataca #theempirestrikesback #markhamill #harrisonford #carriefisher #jamesearljones #billydeewilliams #irvinkershner
#starwars #starwarsv #elimperiocontraataca #theempirestrikesback #markhamill #harrisonford #carriefisher #jamesearljones #billydeewilliams #irvinkershner
On January 31, 1979 The Eyes of Laura Mars debuted in France. Here’s some original Faye Dunaway art!
#TheEyesOfLauraMars #IrvinKershner #FayeDunaway #NeoNoir #MysteryThriller #NeoNoirThriller #TCMUnderground #70sThriller #ThrillerMovies #PenDrawing #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theeyesoflauramars #irvinkershner #fayedunaway #neonoir #mysterythriller #neonoirthriller #tcmunderground #70sthriller #thrillermovies #pendrawing #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
For the frustrated, voyeur-type chicks 📸 #fayedunaway #eyesoflauramars #irvinkershner #johncarpenter
#JohnCarpenter #irvinkershner #eyesoflauramars #fayedunaway
El 27 de noviembre de 2010 fallece el director Irvin Kershner.
On November 27, 2010, director Irvin Kershner passed away.
#StarWars #IrvinKershner #TheEmpireStrikesBack #tesb #DarthVader
#darthvader #tesb #theempirestrikesback #irvinkershner #starwars