Dangerous quack 🦆 named #MahendraAmin aka the 'uterus collector' is practising in rural Georgia , USA.
This is the same scumbag who worked at #IrwinCountyDetentionCentre in #Ocilla Georgia and without consent performed abusive & unnecessary gynaecological procedures at the #immigrant #detentioncentre.
SOURCE: 17 Nov 2022 #DemocracyNow, #Headlines
Every1, esp from Georgia, please reboost
#usa #georgia #ruralgeorgia #alert #mahendraamin #irwincountydetentioncentre #ocilla #immigrant #detentioncentre #democracynow #Headlines #MEDICINE #violence #humanrights
Dangerous quack 🦆 named #MahendraAmin aka the 'uterus collector' is practising in rural Georgia , USA.
This is the same scumbag who worked at #IrwinCountyDetentionCentre in #Ocilla Georgia and without consent performed abusive & unnecessary gynaecological procedures at the #immigrant #detentioncentre.
Every1, esp from Georgia, please reboost
#usa #georgia #ruralgeorgia #alert #mahendraamin #irwincountydetentioncentre #ocilla #immigrant #detentioncentre #MEDICINE #violence #humanrights