A Quiet Faerie Life · @aquietfaerielife
49 followers · 72 posts · Server mastodon.au

I just finished by which chronicles and delves into her and husband's journey on wilding

Not only is this a goldmine of interesting info. It really opens up ones eyes to the sheer hoops people have to jump through in order to try and make the world better. To try and help the earth.

This book covers so much about the , and hurdles, issues, reactions and help that this couple went through in order to try wilding their farm. I was floored. It was just phenomenal. The tangents were fascinating and I've come away with pages of notes of people, places and books to research.

This is a very specific eg of wilding but that's what makes it so amazing to read. Isabella goes in-depth about their land. The tangents are all a Domino effect, showing how intertwined their parcel of land is to the bigger area and even country (looking at the waterways section and Birdlife)

#wilding #isabellatree #kneppfarm #book #environmental #conservational #political #social #scientific #bookstodon #bookstdon

Last updated 2 years ago