On May 27, 1981, Possession debuted in France. Here’s some original Sam Neill and Isabelle Adjani fan art to mark the occasion
#Possession #AndrzejZulawski #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #Horror #IsabelleAdjani #TCMUnderground #SamNeill #VideoNasties #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#possession #andrzejzulawski #supernaturalhorror #horrormovies #horrorart #horror #isabelleadjani #tcmunderground #samneill #videonasties #art #movieart #moviehistory
38 years ago:
Subway (FR)
Fred, a raffish safe blower, takes refuge in the Paris Metro after being chased by the henchmen of a shady businessman from whom he has just stolen some documents. While hiding out in the back rooms and conduits of the Metro, Fred encounters a subterranean society of eccentric characters and petty c...
#Subway #LucBesson #IsabelleAdjani #ChristopherLambert #RichardBohringer #Film
#subway #lucbesson #isabelleadjani #christopherlambert #richardbohringer #film
40 years ago:
Deadly Circuit (FR)
Original title: Mortelle randonnée
A P.I. is obsessed with a cute woman, who seduces and kills rich men around W. Europe.
#DeadlyCircuit #ClaudeMiller #MichelSerrault #IsabelleAdjani #StéphaneAudran #Movies
#deadlycircuit #ClaudeMiller #michelserrault #isabelleadjani #stephaneaudran #movies
I watched The Driver (1978) for, I think, the first time last night. Then I remembered that this spring Isabelle Adjani is releasing a duet she recorded with David Sylvian 10 years ago. Can't wait to hear it.
#movies #films #music #isabelleadjani #davidsylvian
#Possession is an omnifarious film that can result in multiple interpretations. I hear #AndrejZulawski was going through a messy divorce during that time. This gory deconstruction of marriage is both farcical to its supposedly sacred institution and emotionally acute. The physical manifestation of raw emotions in Possession has no equal. #IsabelleAdjani is unbelievable as the woman who can't be (dis)possessed. The ten minute freakout scene in the subway station alone is worth the admission.
#possession #andrejzulawski #isabelleadjani
Neon lights, shoulder pads, hair gel, really bad synth pop, dancing to a Rickie Lee Jones and roller skates consist of most of Besson's Subway- an amour fou taking place in the Paris Metro. The colors, unnecessary steadicam moves, a sax solo, plenty of fog machines- in short, it's got everything. A great 80's time capsule. #lucbesson #isabelleadjani #ChristopherLambert #80sfilm
#lucbesson #isabelleadjani #christopherlambert #80sfilm
#FrançoisTruffaut se centraba su película histórica #DiarioIntimodeAdeleH en el avance de la obsesión amorosa de Adèle por un soldado inglés. La hija pequeña de Víctor Hugo sufría una enfermedad mental (que apunta a las esquizofrenia) que la llevó a perder su propia identidad, además de su posición social. Sencilla y efectiva ambientación al servicio de #IsabelleAdjani, que fluctúa entre la desesperación y la altivez.
#cinehistorico #cinefrances #cinedrama #isabelleadjani #diariointimodeadeleh #francoistruffaut
Watching "Tout feu tout flamme" on France 5
#JeanPaulRappeneau #IsabelleAdjani #YvesMontand #AlainSouchon #LaurenHutton #JeanLucBideau #PinkasBraun #JeanRougerie
#jeanpaulrappeneau #isabelleadjani #YvesMontand #alainsouchon #laurenhutton #jeanlucbideau #pinkasbraun #jeanrougerie
Retrouvez #dianedepoitiers avec #IsabelleAdjani et moi en replay sur francetv.fr et sur toutes les plateformes en 4 épisodes
#dianedepoitiers #isabelleadjani
Je crois que j'aurais préféré que #JoséeDayan fasse appel à #CorinneMasiero plutôt qu'à #IsabelleAdjani pour jouer #DianedePoitiers
#joseedayan #corinnemasiero #isabelleadjani #dianedepoitiers
Pauvre #IsabelleAdjani, contrainte à la survie. :(
#ÊtreEtDevenir #leurIEFetlanotre #IEF
#isabelleadjani #ÊtreEtDevenir #leurIEFetlanotre #ief
RT @philippe_rouyer@twitter.com
#MortelleRandonnée, superbe film d’amour et de deuil avec #IsabelleAdjani et #MichelSerrault. Ils font vivre les personnages du roman de Marc Behm grâce à sa belle adaptation signée Jacques et Michel Audiard, magnifiée par la caméra de #ClaudeMiller
#SondageEcritEcran @tbarnaud@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/philippe_rouyer/status/1322617148758437888
#SondageEcritEcran #ClaudeMiller #michelserrault #isabelleadjani #MortelleRandonnée