Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
379 followers · 13482 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Justice💙:toad: LICSW · @justiceLICSW
792 followers · 2830 posts · Server toad.social

I thought being color blind was anti racist. But it’s the opposite.

We must understand how race has influenced and continues to influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviors in America.

We must know our history and fight to create a stronger, increasingly egalitarian, multi ethnic democracy for all.

#crt #caste #isabelwilkerson #Vote #voteblue

Last updated 1 year ago

Justice💙:toad: LICSW · @justiceLICSW
778 followers · 2773 posts · Server toad.social

Folks who think it’s sensible, reasonable, moral to , shut down , use anti , support the anti of this largely corrupt (Thinking of Legal Insurrection) should read by

BTW, I recognize that it’s all deliberate, has nothing to do with sensibility and all to do with It’s built in to the fabric of this nation

I celebrate only for the hope we one day grow in to justice

#banbooks #dei #crt #propaganda #affirmativeaction #scotus #caste #isabelwilkerson #racism #whitesupremacy #entitlement #july4th

Last updated 1 year ago

Kontexte der von Behzad Karim Khani ausgewählten Begleitbßcher seiner Lesung am 1. Mai um 17 Uhr fokussieren auf die Geschichte der Versklavung. Aus dieser Geschichte rßhrt ein tief verwurzelter struktureller Rassismus, der sich in den Mentalitäten der Menschen fortsetzt. Afrikaner:innen waren Opfer dieser systemischen Gewalt, deren Ziel maximaler Profit war. zeigt weitere historische Quellen im indischen Kastensystem

#wilkersen #literaturaktionwedding #isabelwilkerson #behzadkarimkhani

Last updated 1 year ago

In der lassen sich innere Zusammenhänge eines fiktiven Textes immer sinnvoll mit Themen ausserhalb dieser Sphäre verknßpfen. Kontexte sind wie das wirkliche Leben nach der Theaterauffßhrung. Und die subtilen Beschreibungen der psychischen Unterdrßckung eines Kindes bei sind der Text zum Kontext der Kastenideologie, die destilliert. Der erscheint im genau 1 Mal, aber er ist das absolute Symbol zum seiner Zeit.

#literatur #peterweiss #isabelwilkerson #fluchtling #abschiedvondeneltern #kontext

Last updated 1 year ago

Am 1. Mai 2024 tritt Behzad Karim Khani im Ballhaus Prinzenallee auf. Er darf 3 Bücher nennen, aus denen Schauspieler:innen im Vorprogramm lesen, danach gibt es die Autorenlesung. Das Prinzip heißt . Khani nannte
, .
Wir sprechen bei der Lesung ßber seine Auswahl. Ein Leitthema fiel uns auf: Der strukturelle Rassismus, auf den Migrant:innen grundsätzlich treffen. Wir rahmen den Kontext mit

#literaturaktionwedding #literaturimkontext #peterweiss #jamesbaldwin #feridunzaimoglu #isabelwilkerson

Last updated 1 year ago

begegnete uns erstmals bei einer Recherche in New York, als sie gerade ihr monumentales Werk Ăźber die Great Migration der schwarzen BevĂślkerung vom SĂźden der USA in den Norden publiziert hatte. Ihr Buch Kaste beschreibt Funktion + Wirkunsweisen des strukturelllen Rassismus. Vergleichsebenen: die Nazi-Ideologie, Indiens Kastensystem und der psychosozial verankerte Rassismus in den USA. Im Kontext LiteraturAktionWedding grundlegend.

#literaturaktionwedding #behzadkarimkhani #isabelwilkerson

Last updated 1 year ago

Das ganz Besondere an unseren Lesungen sind die : Der/die Gast des Abends darf 3 andere Autor:innen nennen, deren Texte dann von begabten Schauspieler:innen als Vorprogramm vorgetragen werden. Behzad Karim Khani nannte: , und . Und wir rahmen diesen Kontext hier nochmals mit einem passenden Werk, in Runde 2 mit: / Kaste. Die UrsprĂźnge unseres Unbehagens. Konja Verlag 2023

#literaturaktionwedding #behzadkarimkhani #literaturenimkontext #peterweiss #jamesbaldwin #feridunzaimoglu #isabelwilkerson

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
92 followers · 5174 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
587 followers · 3821 posts · Server aus.social


I’m not sure that people who subscribe to extreme ideologies really believe “it” could happen to them. The cognitive dissonance would be unbearable.
Of course, people can be selectively blind when it suits them.

This is a fascinating topic - cos as much as it’s horrifying people can be indifferent to the welfare of any marginalised group, I sometimes like to hope “self-interest” might encourage solidarity even in the face of prejudice, bias and other BS

, provides some clues in her brilliant, brilliant book
People within a given caste rank themselves relative to other members of the same caste… based on some other form of marginalisation. (e.g. I might be Black/White but at least I’m not poor/ female etc). Some might think they have more to fear or lose than others. Etm

Another question might be why do some people think “only socialist governments” or “only conservative governments” are dangerous?
I don’t think governments are inherently evil, but for the most part - in practice - they always seem to benefit a few at the expense of many, whether red or blue, but people like to pick a team. Personally, I can’t say Stalin was any better than Hitler, but the (dominant) culture encourages us to assume there are only two (extreme) options to choose from.

From what I think I’ve seen, the team people pick is *sometimes* predictable based on how powerless /or free they believe they are personally.


#isabelwilkerson #caste

Last updated 1 year ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
923 followers · 2973 posts · Server mastodon.world

“A caste system is an artificial construction, a fixed and embedded ranking of human value that sets the presumed supremacy of one group against the presumed inferiority of other groups.”
― Isabel Wilkerson

#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #isabelwilkerson #caste

Last updated 1 year ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
923 followers · 2972 posts · Server mastodon.world

“Slavery was not merely an unfortunate thing that happened to black people. It was an American innovation, an American institution created by and for the benefit of the elites of the dominant caste and enforced by poorer members of the dominant caste who tied their lot to the caste system rather than to their consciences.”
― Isabel Wilkerson

#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #isabelwilkerson #caste

Last updated 1 year ago

Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
569 followers · 3564 posts · Server aus.social

@whatshisays @jai_oh


just thinking in terms of what i look myself for when buying a book …
what I particularly like about THIS book (as opposed to others on topic of race) is that has a way of putting things i already think i “know”, that helps me escape my “white world-view filter” (sometimes it’s a challenge not to think the way i automatically think 🤔)

e.g. when she says the Virginia decree was an “invitation” to increase wealth it finally registered for me this didn’t just turn a blind eye to - but actively promoted - rape, even though i have known since (an adult) about the one-drop-rule etc
(yes, i know, other people are reading this and going Duh! 🤷🏼‍♀️)


Last updated 1 year ago

The Root RSS · @theroot
10 followers · 648 posts · Server 0twitter.com
Bongolian · @Bongolian
137 followers · 1300 posts · Server universeodon.com

Isabel Wilkerson's excellent book "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents" is a ground-breaking and enlightening, comparing the systems of India, (race-based slavery and segregation), and Nazi Germany. She elucidates the different structures that maintain caste systems (8 pillars), gives examples of how caste systems have operated in each country, the negative effects of the system on both lower and upper castes, and ultimately ends on an optimistic note for overcoming caste.

#caste #usa #nazigermany #India #hinduism #bookrecommendations #isabelwilkerson

Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
259 followers · 569 posts · Server mastodon.world

The last non-fiction book that impacted me at a gut level and I was this enthusiastic about was 's Caste. I hope that you have read it. (Don't make me start a campaign.) ☺

#isabelwilkerson #caste #blackmastodon #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
143 followers · 359 posts · Server mastodon.world

I learned about this in Isabel Wilkerson's book . (I realize you're discussing the Holocaust, but I highly recommend Caste to anyone who wants to understand the social construct of race as it exists in the US.)

And the World does tend to model attitudes and social mores based on examples set by the US, eg, Brazil's insurrection.

#caste #blackmastodon #isabelwilkerson

Last updated 2 years ago

Carolee · @Carolee
49 followers · 219 posts · Server mastodon.scot

For I want to reserve a moment in honor of . In every caste (in the sense) you are considered at the bottom, at least in the United States. How wrong and shameful that is. As you go about living your lives today, I see you, I respect you, and I wish peace for you. 🖤🏳️‍⚧️✨

#isabelwilkerson #women #trans #black #blackfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

rainshadow · @rainshadow
63 followers · 35 posts · Server disabled.social