I’ve thought about that before. #Socrates was, in effect, the first #Christ because he taught his followers that it was his duty to be martyred for his principled beliefs without resistance. He set that heroic #archetype in #European civilization long before the #sufferingservant in #Isaiah.
He was also the first #Luciferian #serpent. The entire premise of #Euthyphro dialog is “did god really say?”
#euthyphro #serpent #luciferian #isaiah #sufferingservant #european #archetype #christ #socrates
Do we know our enemy’s tactics?
Tempt & Test the First Man
Tempt & Test a Man of Faith
Tempt & Test the Son of Man
#church #churchleadership #EnemiesOfGOD #enemystactics #faith #Genesis3 #isaiah #Israel #Jesus #jesuschrist #bookofJob #Jude #BookofLuke #Matthew #Messiah #salvation #thedevil
#church #churchleadership #enemiesofgod #enemystactics #faith #genesis3 #isaiah #israel #jesus #jesuschrist #bookofjob #jude #bookofluke #matthew #messiah #salvation #thedevil
It is very ironic that just after pride month, Elon's Hubris took him down again.
Quomodo cecidisti de caelo Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris? Corruisti in terram, qui vulnerabas gentes?
(Isa 14, 12)
#pride #pridemonth #hubris #superbia #eilon #musk #twitter #bible #eilonmusk #lucifer #Vulgate #isaiah #latin
#pride #pridemonth #hubris #superbia #eilon #musk #twitter #bible #eilonmusk #lucifer #vulgate #isaiah #latin
What happens when one min you’re on top of the world and the next you find yourself in dark places you never thought you would be? Tania Joy joins The Call to talk about her journey through divorce and dark places to hear God speak into her life and that’s when everything changed.
#isaiah #beautyforashes #TaniaJoy #prayer #thecallwithnancysabato
To learn more about this ministry, go to
#isaiah #beautyforashes #taniajoy #prayer #thecallwithnancysabato
Kotaku: There's An AI Jesus On Twitch, And It's Completely Surreal https://kotaku.com/twitch-streamer-ai-jesus-fortnite-star-wars-chatgpt-1850533473 #gaming #tech #kotaku #religiousperspectivesonjesus #artificialintelligence #arnoldschwarzenegger #academicdisciplines #jesusinchristianity #singularitygroup #religion2cbelief #jesuschrist #christology #technology #miketyson #articles #sonofgod #ubisoft #isaiah #conan #god #ai
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #religiousperspectivesonjesus #artificialintelligence #arnoldschwarzenegger #academicdisciplines #jesusinchristianity #singularitygroup #religion2cbelief #jesuschrist #christology #technology #miketyson #articles #sonofgod #ubisoft #isaiah #conan #god #ai
#Isaiah, in this text, meets three kinds of "characters" (the third will surprise you!): YHWH, the Seraphims and… the coal. YHWH, the almighty, the frightening-yet-loving, represents the Father, the Seraphims, who explain everything and bring the coal to Isaiah, represent the Spirit, which helps us to live in Christ, and the coal, which is the way our sins are atoned for. The #Trinity is, indeed, discernable in this text!
Even if I'm temporarily not a preacher any more, I was asked by my previous parish to celebrate today, and I gratefully accepted. But #TrinitySunday is not the easiest Sunday 😅 .
Even more so because my church proposes #Isaiah 6:1-8 as predication base. I did not see much link to the #Trinity at first glance (except for the three "holy!", which is honestly far-fetched), but reading more thoroughly, I found a way to preach about the Trinity with this text.
#trinitysunday #isaiah #trinity
Kotaku: Take Care Of This House Now That I’m Leaving, OK? https://kotaku.com/sisi-jiang-kotaku-farewell-post-games-journalism-1850456691 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #videogamejournalism #videogame #patricia #carolyn #alyssa #isaiah #songs #ethan #steve #over #ari
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #videogamejournalism #videogame #patricia #carolyn #alyssa #isaiah #songs #ethan #steve #over #Ari
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sResidency
🎵 Rhythm Rebel
#nowplaying #radio1sresidency #bbcr1 #isaiah
In Driftwood #Christianity this week, we ask the birds about the God-bird relationship and what it means for us.
#christian #spirituality #birds #podcast #auspods #isaiah #psalms #eagles
#christianity #christian #spirituality #birds #podcast #auspods #isaiah #psalms #eagles
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sResidency
🎵 The Essentials
#nowplaying #radio1sresidency #bbcr1 #isaiah
Kotaku: So, What's Happening? https://kotaku.com/kotaku-site-redesign-homepage-hp-go-media-2023-1850181524 #gaming #tech #kotaku #humaninterest #isaiah #luke #zack
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #humaninterest #isaiah #luke #zack
@superheroine The task you've set for yourself is an excellent one, for no student of the Gospel at the moment could read a timelier book. In terms of translation, I'd advise you to read that of the best Isaiah scholar in the world: Avraham Gileadi. His commentary pulls no punches and reveals exactly what's on the horizon.
#Isaiah #bible #OldTestament #religion #lds #mormon #mormonism #christianity #AvrahamGileadi #hebrew #religions #Faith #FaithJourney
#faithjourney #faith #religions #hebrew #avrahamgileadi #christianity #mormonism #mormon #lds #religion #oldtestament #bible #isaiah
@superheroine If you know anything about Hebrew prophecy, then you would understand that it is dualistic in nature: it not only happened in the days of Isaiah but also will happen again in the future. Many, if not all, versed Jewish rabbis will tell you Isaiah's prophecy has a dual fulfillment.
@superheroine From my reading of the scriptures, especially Isaiah 4, the return of polygamy is inevitable with the events that will unfold in the world preceding the Second Coming. Isaiah 3 gives clues about what's coming.
#mormonism #lds #mormon #oldtestament #bible #isaiah
@superheroine Actually my view is substantiated by the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon, especially the Book of Isaiah. You could say my point of view aligns with the political messianism of the Jews who have awaited the coming of this figure, far from the label of being what you term a Brighamite.
#isaiah #josephsmith #bookofmormon #lds #mormonism #mormon
@superheroine However, she wanted to rid the Church of the Nauvoo doctrines and force Brigham out, despite the apostolic keys he held. All this fell through when Emma turned Joseph III against his father's teachings and David died in a mental institution, just as Joseph knew. That's why Joseph Smith prophesied of another just like Isaiah.
#lds #bible #josephsmith #isaiah #mormonism #mormon
@superheroine No, even Brigham Young knew Joseph Smith had elected Samuel H. Smith to take the helm, should anything happen to he and Hyrum. Once Samuel died from poisoning about a month after his elder brothers' deaths, Emma immediately used Joseph's sons against Brigham, for Joseph stipulated them as the last contingency plan to take over the Church once they came of age.
#josephsmith #lds #bible #isaiah #mormonism #mormon
“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10 NLT
St Lucia
#Scripture #Isaiah #Help #StLucia
#stlucia #help #isaiah #scripture