Every time I hear #FloridaFührer #RonDesantis speak, my #Gaydar goes off! 🚨🚨🚨
Not content with the #nazification of #Florida, he wants to nazify the whole country.
He’s attacking #Hitler’s scapegoats - gays, transgender, people of color, immigrants, non-Christians …
IMHO, I think he’s another self-loathing #Republican closet homosexual.
He’s getting more and more extreme, bordering on the hysterical!
Looks like a textbook case to me.
What do YOU think? Discuss.
#DeSantis #IsDesantisGay
#floridafuhrer #rondesantis #gaydar #nazification #florida #hitler #republican #desantis #isdesantisgay
Every time I hear #RonDesantis speak, my #Gaydar goes off! 🚨🚨🚨
IMHO, I think he’s another self-loathing #Republican closet homosexual.
He’s getting more and more extreme, bordering on the hysterical!
Looks like a textbook case to me.
What do YOU think? Please discuss.
#rondesantis #gaydar #republican #desantis #isdesantisgay