『4K』【2022年秋三重・和歌山4泊ツアー第2回】1日目に宿泊したアルティア鳥羽のご紹介。ヨーロッパ地中海風建物で、外国にいるかのような雰囲気を楽しめます。食事も伊勢の特産品を使った料理に舌鼓。 https://www.alojapan.com/909761/%e3%80%8e4k%e3%80%8f%e3%80%902022%e5%b9%b4%e7%a7%8b%e4%b8%89%e9%87%8d%e3%83%bb%e5%92%8c%e6%ad%8c%e5%b1%b14%e6%b3%8a%e3%83%84%e3%82%a2%e3%83%bc%e7%ac%ac2%e5%9b%9e%e3%80%911%e6%97%a5%e7%9b%ae%e3%81%ab/
#altia #AltiaToba #Greece #hote #Ise #oceanview #toba #wakayama #Wakayamadestinations #Wakayamatour #Wakayamatravel #Wakayamatrip #Wakayamavacation #アルティア #アルティア鳥羽 #オーシャンビュー #ギリシャ #ホテル #ヨーロッパ #伊勢 #和歌山 #地中海 #鳥羽
#altia #altiatoba #greece #hote #ise #oceanview #toba #wakayama #wakayamadestinations #wakayamatour #wakayamatravel #wakayamatrip #wakayamavacation #アルティア #アルティア鳥羽 #オーシャンビュー #ギリシャ #ホテル #ヨーロッパ #伊勢 #和歌山 #地中海 #鳥羽
@noah #ISE might be the worst thing that's happened to #powershell
Just the news of it resulted in the cancellation of nearly all commercial 3rd-party PowerShell development.
They wrote an editor from scratch because "IT pros won't use Visual Studio" but didn't write a programmer's editor.
When they went cross-platform the .NET team decided not to port any GUI frameworks, so the PowerShell team had to totally abandon it and start over.
At least we finally got a VS Code extension!
Ey, #Bundesbenzinkanister #Wissing! Das #Fraunhofer #ISE sagt, dass man viel billiger bereits versiegelte Flächen mit PV-Modulen zuklatschen kann, als sie über Autobahnen zu hängen. Und die darunter geparkten Autos bleiben dann im Sommer auch noch schön kühl. Das würden deine Wähler sicher goûtieren.
👉 https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/de/leitthemen/integrierte-photovoltaik/urbane-photovoltaik-upv.html
#bundesbenzinkanister #Wissing #ise #fraunhofer
【東海旅行】名古屋・伊勢の旅 2023 第2話 〜伊勢神宮と横丁グルメ巡り〜 【おはらい町通り・おかげ横丁食べ歩き】 https://www.alojapan.com/846802/%e3%80%90%e6%9d%b1%e6%b5%b7%e6%97%85%e8%a1%8c%e3%80%91%e5%90%8d%e5%8f%a4%e5%b1%8b%e3%83%bb%e4%bc%8a%e5%8b%a2%e3%81%ae%e6%97%85-2023-%e7%ac%ac2%e8%a9%b1-%e3%80%9c%e4%bc%8a%e5%8b%a2%e7%a5%9e%e5%ae%ae/
#food #Ise #Nagoya #Nagoyadestinations #Nagoyatour #Nagoyatravel #Nagoyatrip #Nagoyavacation #trip #vlog #アーバンライナー #アベレイジTV #おかげ横丁 #おはらい町通り #お伊勢さん #お伊勢参り #カフェ #グルメ #しまかぜ #ビスタカー #ひのとり #三重県 #五十鈴川 #五十鈴川カフェ #伊勢 #伊勢うどん #伊勢グルメ #伊勢市 #伊勢市駅 #伊勢志摩 #伊勢神宮 #佐瑠女神社 #内宮 #名古屋 #名古屋駅 #団子 #外宮 #旅行 #東海 #松阪牛 #特急 #猿田彦神社 #観光 #赤福 #近鉄 #食べ歩き
#food #ise #nagoya #nagoyadestinations #nagoyatour #nagoyatravel #nagoyatrip #nagoyavacation #trip #vlog #アーバンライナー #アベレイジtv #おかげ横丁 #おはらい町通り #お伊勢さん #お伊勢参り #カフェ #グルメ #しまかぜ #ビスタカー #ひのとり #三重県 #五十鈴川 #五十鈴川カフェ #伊勢 #伊勢うどん #伊勢グルメ #伊勢市 #伊勢市駅 #伊勢志摩 #伊勢神宮 #佐瑠女神社 #内宮 #名古屋 #名古屋駅 #団子 #外宮 #旅行 #東海 #松阪牛 #特急 #猿田彦神社 #観光 #赤福 #近鉄 #食べ歩き
Institute for #SocialEcology announces:
In July 2023, the Institute for Social Ecology is hosting its annual summer intensive course in Detroit, Michigan in partnership with the James and Grace Lee Boggs Center and the University of Detroit Mercy’s School of Architecture and Community Development.
Participants—local as well as from across North America—will spend six days together studying and learning the core ideas of social ecology, popular movements for direct democracy and community power, and the practice and legacy of transformative community action in the City of Detroit. Four half-days will be spent on site tours around Detroit, while the remaining time will be spent in group talks, presentations, and discussions covering topics ranging from communal stewardship of land to the Rojava Revolution.
Link: an interest form, official registration form to follow later
#ISE #Workshops #Detroit #DirectDemocracy #Bookchin
#socialecology #ise #workshops #detroit #directdemocracy #bookchin
#Sarpsborg #Rv22 #Ise ca kl 1145 - kl 1315; UP avholdt en hastighetskontroll i 80 sonen. 3 forenkla forelegg utstedt.
#Gebäude werden zu #Energiespeichern.
Wohin mit #Strom aus #erneuerbaren Quellen, wenn er nicht ins Netz gespeist werden kann? Das #Fraunhofer #ISE will ihn in Gebäuden speichern. ...
#versorgungssicherheit #Gebaude #energiespeichern #strom #erneuerbaren #fraunhofer #ise
【HOW TO ENJOY】Ise-Shima National Park https://www.alojapan.com/715049/%e3%80%90how-to-enjoy%e3%80%91ise-shima-national-park/
HP:https://www.env.go.jp/park/ Traveler:Donny Kimball #NationalParksofJapan#IseShimaNationalPark
#howtoenjoy #iseshimanationalpark #ise-shima #Japan #JapanTravel #japantrip #Mie #NationalparksofJapan #wakayama #Wakayamadestinations #Wakayamatour #Wakayamatravel #Wakayamatrip #Wakayamavacation #和歌山
#howtoenjoy #iseshimanationalpark #ise #japan #japantravel #japantrip #mie #nationalparksofjapan #wakayama #wakayamadestinations #wakayamatour #wakayamatravel #wakayamatrip #wakayamavacation #和歌山
DesignBoom : digital impact: the immersive visions of 15 global artists go beyond time & space https://www.designboom.com/technology/digital-impact-exhibition-barcelona-digital-art-01-30-2023/ #architectureinbarcelona #artificialintelligence #randominternational #refikanadol #technology #digitalart #sixnfive #video #ISE
#architectureinbarcelona #artificialintelligence #randominternational #refikanadol #technology #digitalart #sixnfive #video #ise
DesignBoom : ISE 2023 gives the stage to unreal engine: the world’s most advanced real-time 3D tool https://www.designboom.com/technology/ise-2023-unreal-engine-real-time-3d-tool-keynote-speaker-bk-johannessen-01-27-2023/ #architectureinbarcelona #datavisualization #technology #epicgames #gaming #video #ISE
#architectureinbarcelona #datavisualization #technology #epicgames #gaming #video #ise
#Ise UP har gjennomført en laserkontroll på Rakkestadveien. I tidsrommet 1845 til 2100 ble 11 bilførere ilagt forenklet forelegg for fart. Høyeste hastighet var 155 km/t i 80-sonen.
Forscherinnen und Unternehmer fordern Wiederaufbau der Photovoltaik-Industrie
Solarindustrie auch in Europa wieder stark zu machen, das fordern Europäische Unternehmerinnen und Forscher, denn im Moment ist China das Land mit der größten Photovoltaik Produkti...
#Agenda2030 #EnergieWende #ErneuerbareEnergien #Europa #ISE #Photovoltaik #SaubereEnergie #Solarenergie #GoodNews
#agenda2030 #energiewende #erneuerbareenergien #europa #ise #photovoltaik #saubereenergie #solarenergie #goodnews
The ISE Crypto PQC working group at Google has implemented a post-quantum cryptography algorithm on their internal ALTS protocol https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/why-google-now-uses-post-quantum-cryptography-for-internal-comms/ #ISE #Crypto #PQC #Google #Senior #Crypt #sharegeneratedinpartwithgpt3
#ise #crypto #pqc #google #senior #crypt #sharegeneratedinpartwithgpt3
#introduction: I'm a prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering #ise and Dir., Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems, and Computation (I-DISC) at #lehigh Univ. Research and teaching interests include #optimization models for #supplychain etc.
Co-teaching Algorithms and Social Justice with Prof. Suzanne Edwards of English and WGSS. The class takes both a humanistic/social scientific approach as well as an engineering one. Used to tweet about it a lot, now I guess I'll Mastodon about it?
#supplychain #optimization #lehigh #ise #Introduction
Fraunhofer ISE reveals Spain may host 5 GW module factory
The vertically integrated factory is expected to be located near Sevil...
Article Source: https://www.pv-magazine.com/2021/04/21/fraunhofer-ise-reveals-spain-may-host-5-gw-module-factory/
#fraunhofer, #ise, #markets, #photovoltaic, #manufacturing, #modules, #upstream, #photovoltaics
#photovoltaics #upstream #modules #manufacturing #photovoltaic #markets #ise #fraunhofer
Germany’s solar boom set to continue in 2021
From PV panels to solar storage and solar collectors, rooftop installations grew 25% in Ge...
#ISE, #German, #Association, #Fraunhofer, #Markets, #Solar, #Policy
#policy #solar #markets #fraunhofer #association #german #ise
Evaluating tandem cells, from the bottom up
Scientists in Germany evaluated multiple silicon cell concepts based on both cost and effi...
#perovskite, #R&D, #ISE, #heterojunction, #Fraunhofer, #Technology, #PERC
#PERC #technology #fraunhofer #heterojunction #ise #r #perovskite
RFC 8726: How Requests for IANA Action Will be Handled on the Independent Stream
Tous les #RFC ne viennent pas de l'IETF. Certains sont publiés sur la voie indépendante, sous la responsabilité de l'#ISE (Independent Submissions Editor). Certains de ces RFC « indépendants » créent ou modifient des registres #IANA. Comment traiter ces demandes à l'IANA ?