Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep86: Metamorphosis
A new Pokemon has joined my team! After some quick training, he'll be able to help us take on the monsters at Darknight Relic. It's just a question of what monsters are there.
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/j-M-Z5FPhpg
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#Pokemon #PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playtrhough
#pokemon #pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playtrhough
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep85: Here Be Dragons
Oh gosh, they're everywhere!
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/8Frdf174IJM
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#Pokemon #PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough
#pokemon #pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep84: Struggling Without Struggle
There's an old game mechanic hidden away in this game.
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/h6RU8aMD4nI
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough
#pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough
9 - Alcafus (Tomos del 1 al 4 - Completo).
Pues buscando algún manga cortito encontré éste isekai de un chico que viaja a un mundo donde hay chicas gato conocías como cafus y se embarca en una aventura con unas cuantas cafus siendo una de ellas una que conoció de pequeño.
La historia en si no está mal pero según iba avanzando se ha ido volviendo demasiado ecchi y bueno...
Quedémonos con el argumento XD.
#tkzManga #Alcafus #Isekai #Echhi
#tkzmanga #alcafus #isekai #echhi
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep83: Bashing One's Head Into a Wall
Of all the initial postgame dungeons, Wyvern Hill is the longest. Also, would you believe there's a Rare Quality we haven't discovered, yet?
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/1d16zM1sVO8
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough
#pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep82: Me and Myself
Having a Ditto on my team is pretty neat.
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/IZAxlnPkpig
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough #PMD
#pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough #pmd
Eu gosto de estórias fofas assim. Principalmente quando o/a protagonista é super inteligente.
#hashtags: #HQ #Webtoon #Tensei #Isekai #Kawaii #Drama #Medieval #TheBabyLandLordIsRetiring #TBLLIR
#hashtags #hq #webtoon #Tensei #isekai #kawaii #drama #medieval #TheBabyLandLordIsRetiring #TBLLIR
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep80: Reconnaissance
Before heading to Remains Island, I first gather intel by... heading to Remains Island.
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/DeLevyT6s8I
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough #PMD #Pokemon
#pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough #pmd #pokemon
This is The Clubhouse where I meet with the cool kids who are going to help me build out New, interactive, Worlds: of Color and Adventure; and who yearn to learn patterns of Creation that will encourage them to Make! something of them Selves.
#BrandBuilding #HighArt #Identity #Illustration #Ikigai #Isekai #GameDev #ProjectManagement #Strategy #TTRPG #Marketing #Connection #Practice #PersonalMastery
#brandbuilding #highart #identity #illustration #ikigai #isekai #gamedev #projectmanagement #strategy #ttrpg #marketing #connection #practice #personalmastery
I have been watching various #isekai series lately and will probably have a rundown of them on #TheDistractionHole. Maybe even a kind of ranking of them. I see neat things in all of them but also I have my fair share of annoyances.
Should be a good #podcast session on Sunday.
#isekai #thedistractionhole #podcast #podcastersofmastodon
8/28(月)午前0時放送!日本発のエンタメジャンル「異世界」が「ISEKAI」として海外に!!【今夜はとことん異世界スペシャル】| NHK
#youtube_NHK #異世界 #ISEKAI #アニメ #エキスポ #転スラ #無職転生 #盾の勇者 #このすば #リゼロ #KADOKAWA #石田衣良 #サンキュータツオ
#youtube_nhk #異世界 #isekai #アニメ #エキスポ #転スラ #無職転生 #盾の勇者 #このすば #リゼロ #kadokawa #石田衣良 #サンキュータツオ
8/28(月)午前0時放送!【今夜はとことん異世界スペシャル】日本発のエンタメジャンル「異世界」が「ISEKAI」として海外に!!| NHK
#youtube_NHK #異世界 #ISEKAI #アニメ #エキスポ #転スラ #無職転生 #盾の勇者 #このすば #リゼロ #KADOKAWA #石田衣良 #サンキュータツオ
#youtube_nhk #異世界 #isekai #アニメ #エキスポ #転スラ #無職転生 #盾の勇者 #このすば #リゼロ #kadokawa #石田衣良 #サンキュータツオ
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep77: Death Valley
It turns out that Nosepass is a genuinely terrifying Pokemon!
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/m02dZnKbHe0
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough #PMD #Pokemon
#pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough #pmd #pokemon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep76: That's Fine and Dandy
If I want to survive the earth-shaking next dungeon, I will need to prepare a team of flying Pokemon. Among them, a bird who doesn't actually fly, and a plant.
~Watch at YouTube: https://youtu.be/NREAyOuvYHA
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #RescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Playthrough #PMD #Pokemon
#pokemonmysterydungeon #rescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #playthrough #pmd #pokemon
More often than not, finding out how/why someone from Earth ended up in a fantasy world has been disappointing to me if it's handled later in the story rather than earlier.
Possibly just a symptom of a general decline in quality I often feel once the story gets past the initial premise in serialized web novels (later published as light novels and then I finally read the translation of those). #isekai #narou
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Ep74: Pinky Becomes Floof
We make use of my prizes from Waterfall Pond, and immediately prepare for our next task.
~Watch: https://youtu.be/BWcCOLoMAxA
~Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kd-uZiIb9_EN5MkEEPkHvlwBVVWgV9C
#PokemonMysteryDungeonRescueTeamDX #PokemonMysteryDungeon #PMD #RescueTeamDX #isekai #LetsPlay #Pokemon
#pokemonmysterydungeonrescueteamdx #pokemonmysterydungeon #pmd #rescueteamdx #isekai #letsplay #pokemon
As a designer you have to be explicit when explaining the facets of your design; because we don't share your perspective, concerns, or live in your head WITH you.
All things considered, even before Health and Stamina, Stars are the first Resource/Consumable you're managing.
#TTRPG #RollPlay #Game #BoardGame #Zine #IndiePress #SmallIdea #InteractiveFun #GroupHallucination #TravelGame #RulesLight #SoloPlay #RPG #GameDev #FantasyAdventure #Isekai #PbtA
#ttrpg #rollplay #game #Boardgame #zine #IndiePress #smallidea #interactivefun #grouphallucination #travelgame #ruleslight #soloplay #rpg #gamedev #fantasyadventure #isekai #pbta
Progress comes in many forms. Here I've started stratifying what I want you to know/decide/roll-for by the time you're out the other side of the Prologue.
It's in the lists of things, like Talents, Boons, Flaws, that I'll both get mired down, and will help me show more flavor.
#TTRPG #RollPlay #Game #BoardGame #Zine #IndiePress #SmallIdea #InteractiveFun #GroupHallucination #TravelGame #RulesLight #SoloPlay #RPG #GameDev #FantasyAdventure #Isekai #PbtA
#ttrpg #rollplay #game #Boardgame #zine #IndiePress #smallidea #interactivefun #grouphallucination #travelgame #ruleslight #soloplay #rpg #gamedev #fantasyadventure #isekai #pbta
It's both and art, and a VERY early prototype of this rpg I've been noodling on for some time (2020).
Now in it's 4th iteration, this jerk would be out of place, but compatible with "Dabo".
#TTRPG #RollPlay #Game #BoardGame #Zine #IndiePress #SmallIdea #InteractiveFun #GroupHallucination #TravelGame #RulesLight #SoloPlay #RPG #GameDev #FantasyAdventure #Isekai #PbtA
#ttrpg #rollplay #game #Boardgame #zine #IndiePress #smallidea #interactivefun #grouphallucination #travelgame #ruleslight #soloplay #rpg #gamedev #fantasyadventure #isekai #pbta