Un estudi mostra que conrear un hort millora la salut mental i pot reduir el risc de càncer https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/un-estudi-mostra-que-conrear-un-hort-millora-la-salut-mental-i-pot-reduir-el-risc-de-cancer/ #horticultura #ISGlobal #Sanitat
#horticultura #isglobal #sanitat
#People in Greener #Neighborhoods Have Significantly Better #MentalHealth, #Study Finds - EcoWatch
#Research led by #ISGlobal, the #Barcelona Institute for Global #Health, found that #residents of the #city had better markers for #mental #wellbeing when their #living situations met certain criteria for access to #greenery, yet fewer than 5 percent of city residents actually enjoyed that access.
#people #neighborhoods #mentalhealth #study #research #isglobal #barcelona #health #residents #city #mental #wellbeing #living #greenery
🔎Un estudio liderado por #ISGlobal ha analizado la relación entre la #saludmental y la regla 3-30-300 de #espaciosverdes. (Hilo🧵)
#isglobal #saludmental #espaciosverdes