Anyone else noticing how slim the pickings are when it comes to sci-fi tv series and films the last couple of years?
Don't get me wrong what has been available is pretty high quality there just so little of it.
I'm at the point that I have nothing to watch, thanx to streaming services I've gone back and watched every old show I'd ever want to watch and now it's all just starwars drip feeds or nothing and I don't know about everyone else but as much as I'm a huge fan of the star wars original trilogy the newer stuff just doesn't do it for me
If you know of anything that's gone under most people's radar's that you think is good please share, if I've seen it chances are there's someone out there that's never heard of it and has missed out.
#scififan #WheresMySciFi #WhyIsItAllSoftSciFiNow #IsHardSciFiStillAThing ?
#scififan #wheresmyscifi #whyisitallsoftscifinow #ishardscifistillathing