Yet CO2 levels continued their upward trend as the train journey progressed: 2167ppm at Tahmoor, 2210ppm at Picton, 2257 at Menangle. Each worse for brain function, health. #IShareYourAir #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #AirQuality 10/
#ishareyourair #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #airquality
#CovidIsNotOver and #COVIDIsAirborne, which means #IShareYourAir
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair
This is not how to care for some of our most vulnerable people (you know, the ones we say we care about).
#AirQuality matters.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #IShareYourAir
#airquality #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair
If we really cared about our children (and the people who transport them), then we would give them good air quality: lots of fresh air and HEPA filters.
#CleanerAir4PublicTransport #CleanerAir4Schools.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #IShareYourAir
#cleanerair4publictransport #cleanerair4schools #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair #airquality
@parislord @TCCS_ACT @Transport_CBR And will they have good air quality, with HEPA filters and lots of fresh air (unlike current buses)?
#CleanerAir4PublicTransport #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #IShareYourAir
#cleanerair4publictransport #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair
We need #CleanerAir4Schools, because #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #IShareYourAir
Some schools have stepped up, but most haven't and there's no national requirement in Australia.
#cleanerair4schools #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair #backtoschool
This👇 is how to make #CleanerAir4Schools.
#BackToSchool #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #IShareYourAir
#cleanerair4schools #backtoschool #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair
@VoicesofWentworth campaign has started with #IShareYourAir
#ishareyourair #cleanerair4schools
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne so we need lots of fresh air, HEPA filters and mask-wearing in schools & public transport.
#CleanerAir4Schools #CleanerAir4PublicTransport
#backtoschool #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #ishareyourair #cleanerair4schools #cleanerair4publictransport
#IShareYourAir in Doctor’s office this afternoon in Brisbane… Doctor and Receptionists not wearing masks… my daughter and I in P2 masks 🤞we don’t catch anything. CO2 level dangerous at 2605! Why aren’t those in the Australian medical profession protecting themselves and their patients? This is crazy! #CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #CleanTheAir
#ishareyourair #CovidIsNotOver #bringbackmasks #cleantheair
Covid-19 is airborne, spread via virus particles in very small droplets/ aerosols we breathe out, that float in the air (like smoke) and spreads when someone breathes them in. In poorly ventilated spaces, aerosols build up and can linger for hours. #IshareYourAir #COVIDisAirborne
#ishareyourair #COVIDisAirborne
Reading taken in the York Theatre. Session I saw was the evening 8pm one.
Theatre was pretty packed and I would say (with more than 1500 hospitalised with COVID at the moment in NSW) there was maybe a 1/5th of the audience masked.
#COVIDIsNotOver #IShareYourAir #LeftBehindByLabor #COVID_NSW #Covid19_AU #NoCOVIDHerdImmunity #ImmunityDebtIsALie #GettingInfectedDoesntPreventInfection
#CovidIsNotOver #ishareyourair #leftbehindbylabor #covid_nsw #covid19_au #nocovidherdimmunity #immunitydebtisalie #gettinginfecteddoesntpreventinfection
#COVIDIsNotOver #IShareYourAir #LeftBehindByLabor #COVID_NSW #Covid19_AU #NoCOVIDHerdImmunity #ImmunityDebtIsALie #GettingInfectedDoesntPreventInfection
#CovidIsNotOver #ishareyourair #leftbehindbylabor #covid_nsw #covid19_au #nocovidherdimmunity #immunitydebtisalie #gettinginfecteddoesntpreventinfection
#IShareYourAir at Dentist waiting room. CO2 level got to around 1250 when in the chair… they will be putting in air purifiers after we had a chat about how they can keep themselves and their clients safer.
This is what happens when you remove isolation at the start of the summer party season.
Picture stolen from @DenisCOVIDinfoguy
#covid19_aus #covidisntover #WearAMask #ishareyourair
This what happens when you remove isolation and the summer party season starts in Australia.
Stolen from @DenisCOVIDinfoguy
#covid19_au #covidisntover #WearAMask #ishareyourair
#IShareYourAir Online Protest & Awareness Week | 5 - 11 December 2022
More info here -