Dr. Townsend gave a fantastic presentation this morning on Statin use in pediatric heart transplant at @PHTSociety centers. Congratulations! #ISHLT2023
RT @PHTSociety
@PHTSociety would like to congratulate Dr. Townsend and her coauthors on their PHTS abstract being accepted to @ISHLT! #phtsociety #research #pediatrichearttransplantresearch
#ishlt2023 #phtsociety #research #pediatrichearttransplantresearch
RT @mgoschu
@melissacousino educating the masses on how challenging psychosocial issues can be in pediatric VAD. World expert in this topic. #ISHLT2023 @MottChildren @MottDocs
RT @ChildrensCO_Pro
If you're attending #ISHLT2023 today, stop by the Mile High Ballroom poster sessions with @ChildrensColo Drs. Scott Auerbach and Melvin Chan to learn more about predictors of long-term renal insufficiency in repeat #HeartTransplants.
RT @DrRockySingh
Fantastic gala last night at @DenverArtMuseum to celebrate 30 years of @PHTSociety ! Thanks @scottauerbachmd and others for organizing it! #ISHLT2023 #MedTwitter
RT @sarsch79
So incredibly blessed to have such great relationships w/colleagues across all spectrums of MCS. #ItTakesAVillage #LVADcandidacy GREAT co-moderators and excellent speakers! Great work on the #pechakucha format this year! @ISHLT #ishlt2023 @melissacousino @VADCoordinator
#ittakesavillage #lvadcandidacy #pechakucha #ishlt2023
RT @JasonGoldbergMD
Out With the Old, In With the New in Heart Transplant Rejection: Great Discussions from the LEADERS in cell-free DNA, microRNA, Gene Expression Profiling, Digital Microscope and more #ISHLT2023 #rovingreporter
RT @kdaly00
@alastanford from @HHSGov discussing the importance of health equity in the US and particularly in heart and lung transplant at #ISHLT2023. As we begin to roll out continuous distribution policies for solid organ transplants we need to explicitly prioritize equity.
Standing room only for Dr. Bansal’s talk on heart transplant after cancer. @nehban @PHTSociety @ACTION4HF #ISHLT2023
RT @melissacousino
Good morning, Denver! Excited to rep the #pedsVAD perspective at 8AM tomorrow and feature the work of @ACTION4HF @PHTSociety @SPP_Transplant @lefkowitz_debra @kellyerea @mikekillianphd @ShaanAmdani @AnnaJoongMD @angie_lorts and more! @ISHLT #ISHLT2023 @MottDocs
Ala Stanford gives a harrowing talk on how the color of your skin determines your life expectancy - we need to identify our implicit and explicit biases related to systemic historic injustices. It is no longer acceptable to not act on these biases Share and disseminate #ishlt2023
RT @PuriKriti
Congratulations @wittlica for this excellent presentation and the insight into the growing work by ACTION for this population #ISHLT2023
RT @JasonGoldbergMD
A brave group of congenital heart disease experts discussing FONTAN Heart Failure, Heart or Heart+Liver Transplantation. Fantastic review of the literature, though we have lots to learn! #ISHLT2023 #rovingreporter @EstelaAzeka @AmyKiskaddon @KSimpsonMD @nehban @DavePengMD
We're pleased to have as a keynote speaker Ethan Gutmann, who shares some history and context of forced organ procurement in China. #ISHLT2023
RT @nehban
Congrats to this entire panel of wonderful chairs and speakers on a highly successful session #ISHLT2023 dedicated to Fontan patients! #CHD #CardioTwitter congrats 🍾@DavePengMD @RayanYousefzai @KSimpsonMD @AmyKiskaddon @EstelaAzeka Claire and Viviane!
#ishlt2023 #chd #cardiotwitter
RT @ashishankolamd
Very nice update on outcomes in our smallest VAD patients using @ACTION4HF - 125 infants, median weight 3.6 kg, ~60% with a positive outcome with CM pts with 85% survival. We’re getting better with time :-) #ISHLT2023
Thank you to @scottauerbachmd for giving a great talk and quoting data from the ACTION registry on infection in Peds VAD patients! #ISHLT2023 https://twitter.com/drrockysingh/status/1648790421458546688
RT @DrRockySingh
Another great @ACTION4HF research meeting to see how we can get heart failure devices and medications to kids faster! #ISHLT2023 @PHTSociety @nyulangone @nyugrossman
RT @krishanpatelmd
Timely piece to read on the way to #ISHLT2023. While we should appreciate the incredible advances of transplant medicine, our patients want (and deserve) more https://twitter.com/ajsilverstein16/status/1648273844275228673
RT @josephspinner
As heart transplant teams from all over the world come to Denver this week for @ISHLT to learn from one another, @ajsilverstein16 articulates so well, much better than any of us could, how we MUST be and do better for our transplant patients and families @PHTSociety #ISHLT2023 https://twitter.com/ajsilverstein16/status/1648273844275228673
April 21st @ 5pm MDT | Check out Dr. Sabena Hussain of @CincyChildrens who's poster highlights outcomes for children with mechanical valves at the time of #VAD implant at #ISHLT2023. Learn more: http://bit.ly/3nnFuxR. @ISHLT #PedsHF #PedsVAD #CardioTwitter #Collaboration
#vad #ishlt2023 #pedshf #pedsvad #cardiotwitter #collaboration