Description: Iron Sharpens Iron is a 7 round battle where the best in #CHH go head-to-head, NOT to see who’s better, but to celebrate artists who put out incredible music!
And scan the QR code to listen to every song listed on our #Spotify playlist! 📲🎧
TAGS: #ISI #HipHop #BrvndonP #MilesMinnick #Verzuz #BattleRap #TrackstarzUniverse
#chh #spotify #isi #hiphop #brvndonp #milesminnick #verzuz #battlerap #trackstarzuniverse
Description: Iron Sharpens Iron is a 7 round battle where the best in #CHH go head-to-head, NOT to see who’s better, but to celebrate artists who put out incredible music!
And scan the QR code to listen to every song listed on our #Spotify playlist! 📲🎧
#chh #spotify #isi #hiphop #triplee #tedashii #trackstarzuniverse
Today is Statistics Day in India, celebrating the birth anniversary of legendary Prof. Mahalanobis, founder of the eminent Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Calcutta in 1931 #ISI #Mahalanobis #Statistics
Das 17. Internationale Symposium für Informationswissenschaft (#ISI 2023) findet vom 7. bis 9. November 2023 an der Fachhochschule #Graubünden in #Chur (Schweiz) statt. Dieses Symposium steht unter dem Titel „Nachhaltige Information – Information für Nachhaltigkeit“. Und hat dafür einen #Call for #Student #Papers zum Thema ausgelobt! Noch bis zum 01.Juli 2023 können Abstracts eingereicht werden! Alle Informationen zur ISI und zum Call gibt's hier:
#isi #graubunden #chur #call #student #papers
NSA slapped as #AmritpalSingh seen as #ISI pawn to revive militancy in #Punjab
Given the defiant protests in Ajnala, it was apprehended that Amritpal’s supporters could create a law and order situation by mobilising support against his arrest.
#amritpalsingh #isi #punjab #press
The Land of the missing people..
That is how #Balochistan is called by today. Following the request of these people, I announce #OpBalochistan
To the #PakistanArmy - Wait for us.
#ISI #DeathSquad #BalochLivesMatter
#GhostSec #Anonymous
#balochistan #opbalochistan #pakistanarmy #isi #deathsquad #balochlivesmatter #GhostSec #Anonymous
After several protests by #KhyberPakhtunkhwa #Police against the #Pakistani #Govt, #Army and #ISI.
Now Sec. 144 has been imposed in #Peshawar, due to the deteriorating "#Law and #Order" situation.
#khyberpakhtunkhwa #police #pakistani #govt #army #isi #peshawar #law #order
✨Isi an Weihnachten & Silvester✨
Zusätzlich zu den beiden Weihnachtsfeiertagen macht Isi auch an Heiligabend Pause. An Silvester ist Isi von 20 Uhr bis 3 Uhr im Einsatz. An Neujahr steht Isi aufgrund des Feiertages nicht zur Verfügung.
#Batterie mit festem #Elektrolyt setzt sich erst langsam durch.
Batterien mit festem Elektrolyt schienen schon öfter kurz vor der Marktreife. In einer Studie fasst das #Fraunhofer #ISI die aktuellen #Forschungen zusammen. ...
#elektroauto #batterie #elektrolyt #fraunhofer #isi #forschungen
RT @ImageSatIntl
#ISI reveals: satellite imagery of #Hostomel Airport, reveals the outcome of the strike of the #Antonov225 the world’s largest cargo aircraft. Strike damage assessment indicates that the #Russian attack most likely targeted on a few selected targets.
#isi #Hostomel #antonov225 #russian
#Lebanon: #ISI #satellite image from #today reveals the severe damages caused by the explosion in #Beirut port.
#BeirutExplosion #beirut_بيروت #beirutblasts
#today #beirut_بيروت #BeirutBlasts #lebanon #isi #satellite #beirut #BeirutExplosion