#xymodel #isingmodel #hubbardmodel #heisenbergmodel #physics #models #lattice #ngram
IBM compensates for errors, gets usable results out of quantum processor - Enlarge / IBM's Eagle processor has reached Rev3, which means lower noi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1947845 #quantumcomputers #computerscience #isingmodel #science #qubits #ibm
#ibm #qubits #science #isingmodel #computerscience #quantumcomputers
Ars Technica: IBM compensates for errors, gets usable results out of quantum processor https://arstechnica.com/?p=1947845 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #quantumcomputers #Computerscience #isingmodel #Science #qubits #ibm
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #quantumcomputers #computerscience #isingmodel #science #qubits #ibm
Last activities in my course of #NumericalMethods, the #MonteCarlo method applied to: (1) the 2D #IsingModel on a lattice with different boundary conditions, and (2) the #PottsModel for \( q=3 \) in a 2D lattice with periodic boundary conditions.
My #fortran codes are still the fastest!
#fortran #pottsmodel #isingmodel #montecarlo #numericalmethods
Could One #Physics #Theory Unlock the #Mysteries of the #Brain?
#PerBak #PhilosophyOfScience #Science #Neuroscience #Biology #MolecularBiology #Thermodynamics #SellfSimilar #ScaleInvariance #Fractal #Fractals #CriticalPoint #Criticality #Ising #IsingModel #PhaseState #PhaseTransition #PhaseTransitions #Homeostasis #QuasiCrticality
#quasicrticality #homeostasis #phasetransitions #phasetransition #phasestate #isingmodel #ising #criticality #criticalpoint #fractals #fractal #scaleinvariance #sellfsimilar #thermodynamics #molecularbiology #biology #neuroscience #science #philosophyofscience #perbak #brain #mysteries #theory #physics
Quanta Magazine
Could One Physics Theory Unlock the Mysteries of the Brain?
#QuantaMagazine #brain #criticalPoint #disorder #fractality #Isingmodel #order #phaseTransition #scaleInvariance #selfSililarity
#quantamagazine #brain #criticalpoint #disorder #fractality #isingmodel #order #phasetransition #scaleinvariance #selfsililarity