And as for my past activism, I was the youngest member of the anti-nuclear Clamshell Aliiance, and a founder of the #ThomasMorton Alliance -- a pagan group whose motto was "Earth Religion, Earthly Concerns". Another TMA founder was a Wiccan feminist. Another was a Native American activist. I met both of them through the Clamshell Alliance years ago. During the mid-late 1980s, we worked with #HumanRights groups and even collaborated with the local #EarthFirst group. Unfortunately, tragedy tore our group apart, but several members went on to become journalists (I was one of them), and continued to participate and organize events. I'm not as active as I used to be, but thanks to the internet, I know things were even worse than I suspected...
#Activism #IsItLikeToday #Coverups #Greenwashing #Oligarchy #Capitalism
#thomasmorton #humanrights #earthfirst #activism #isitliketoday #coverups #greenwashing #oligarchy #capitalism
So, some of you may be wondering where my handle comes from. "Doomsday" is my nickname from high school -- because I was aware even in the early 1980s that humans were trashing the planet, and would pay the price if they didn't stop (and nuclear weapons are the ultimate in pollution, and yes, nuclear plants and weapons go hand-in-hand). As for the "CW"? It didn't stand for "Content Warning" (though that's approrpriate). The "CW" stood for "Conspiracy Watch," and my original FB page was originally about calling out some of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories floating around at the time (2010). And then the #Fukushima meltdown happened, and I realized that those who were whistleblowers, were being censored and branded as conspiracy theorists. That's when my investigative journalist antennae started buzzing, and what was meant to be satire was turning into reality. I mean, I was aware that big corporations did bad things to cover up stuff (Silkwood), but the Fukushima coverup went all the way to the top (Obama and Hillary Clinton knew how bad things were, but only told their close friends. And yes, I FOIA'ed the emails, and have copies). I also discovered that #TEPCO was rejecting potential technologies to deal with #FukushimaWater rather than dumping it in the ocean, but hey, they thought they were "too expensive" (at what cost a living ocean?). I moved DoomsdaysCW to the BirdSite in 2014, and came over to Mastodon in November 2022. I just wanted to let folks know where the moniker comes from -- and why I'm sometimes snarky with a dark sense of humor. And as for the topics I post about? I've been posting about them even before FB and birdsite, and started the first online 'zine back in 1994 with my friends (where I wrote about a lot of the same issues I write about now). And regarding the current state of the planet? I honestly can't believe we let things go this far -- and yet, I can believe it. The merger of corporations and government made sure everything was greenwashed and covered up, and now we're all paying the price.
#Activism #IsItLikeToday #Coverups #Greenwashing #Oligarchy #Capitalism
#fukushima #tepco #FukushimaWater #activism #isitliketoday #coverups #greenwashing #oligarchy #capitalism
2022: #WorldParty’s ‘#PrivateRevolution’ Tackled #Environmental Concerns 35 Years Ago
Seeds planted in the Reagan years continue to bear poison fruit. On Private Revolution, World Party presaged today’s “There is no planet B” slogan 35 years ago.
By Cheryl Graham / 1 March 2022
"By the mid-1980s, the modern environmental movement had fractured into a cornucopia of causes, including #antinukes and #RacialJustice. The music of the day, by and large, did not champion those concerns.
"Enter World Party, the solo project of Welsh musician and producer Karl Wallinger. After a stint playing keyboards in the #Waterboys, Wallinger released Private Revolution, World Party’s debut album, in March 1987. Recorded and produced by Wallinger, its ten original songs center on environmental themes, emphasizing personal responsibility. It’s all set to a sound incorporating groovy psychedelic synths with earthy piano and percussion. Wallinger sings and plays all of the instruments, except for saxophone on one track by Anthony Thistlethwaite (Waterboys) and violin by Steve Wickham (Waterboys and In Tua Nua) on another. Backing vocals are provided by an unknown Irish singer named #Sinead O’Connor."
#MusicHistory #80sMusic #ReaganEra #ClimateChange #IsItLikeToday
#ClimateActivism through #Music
#WorldParty #privaterevolution #environmental #antinukes #RacialJustice #waterboys #Sinead #musichistory #80smusic #reaganera #ClimateChange #isitliketoday #climateactivism #Music