Mochi wonders why Friday afternoon is taking so long. #mochislifeishard #jackchi #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #isittheweekendyet
#mochislifeishard #jackchi #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #isittheweekendyet
99% of the time, I keep, if anything, too much detail in my story notes. Everything goes in the file. Way, way more than I'll ever need. Today I had a lovely Murphy's Law moment where the one thing I didn't write down in my notes turned out to be something I very much needed. It was a fixable problem, but for the next little while, I'm going to be even more weirdly strict about it. Everything goes in the file.
#isittheweekendyet #reporting #amwriting
today was a "flames on the side of my face" kinda day. whewie.
(If you get this reference, plz, let's be friends🥰 ).
#isittheweekendyet #longday #tired #clue #movieclue
At least it's Friday. #tgif #itsfriday #isittheweekendyet #ineedcoffee
#tgif #itsfriday #isittheweekendyet #ineedcoffee
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