#TransAndNonbinaryRightsAreHumanRights :heart_nb: :heart_trans:
I've never heard of this #JoannaCherry person until a few days ago, and the more I see & hear, the more disgusted I am.
If I've got to hear one more knobhead so-called 'gender critical feminist' (TERF) use #IslaBryson to demean all transwomen and indirectly diss transmen and nonbinary people I swear I'll shriek
#transandnonbinaryrightsarehumanrights #joannacherry #islabryson
The #transwoman #IslaBryson was found guilty of raping two cis women
I feel for the women who were raped. I know firsthand the psychological pain from #SexualAssault never goes away completely
I hate how she only got 8 years. Anyone guilty of violent crimes should be in #prison for a huge portion of their remaining years. Two rapes should have gotten her life
But judging all #trans people for her crime is wrong
Most just want to peacefully live their authentic lives.
#transwoman #islabryson #sexualassault #prison #trans
Pink News: Isla Bryson: Trans rapist sentenced to eight years in prison https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/28/isla-bryson-trans-rapist-eight-years-in-prison/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #IslaBryson #prison #Crime #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #islabryson #prison #crime #news #uk
Pink News: Trans women convicted of violence banned from women’s prisons by Tory minister Dominic Raab https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/26/womens-prison-trans-women-dominic-raab-ministry-of-justice/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #NicolaSturgeon #DominicRaab #IslaBryson #Politics #News #Law #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #nicolasturgeon #dominicraab #islabryson #politics #news #law #uk
Pink News: Isla Bryson: Trans woman convicted of rape kept separate while in women’s prison, review confirms https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/10/trans-prisoner-isla-bryson-review-by-scottish-prison-service/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #scottishprisonservice #transprisoners #IslaBryson #Crime #Trans #News
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #scottishprisonservice #transprisoners #islabryson #crime #news
Pink News: Nicola Sturgeon suggests rapist Isla Bryson may not trans, says conviction is ‘only important factor’ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/02/nicola-sturgeon-isla-bryson-trans-rapist-first-ministers-questions/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #NicolaSturgeon #transprisoners #IslaBryson #Crime #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #nicolasturgeon #transprisoners #islabryson #crime #news #uk