2/2…for your people. They'll be happy with the trashy home they get.
Play along and you'll be rewarded with this #islandGetaway lifestyle we have for you. With these #drones you can #sacrifice miners who try to access your #island. With these other devices you can #surveil and makes demands on your #miners through what they believe are #SmartDevices, just glorified #trackingDevices. If a miner steps out-of-line use this button and they'll be placed in a #hotel and #quarantined.
Got it?
#islandGetaway #drones #sacrifice #island #surveil #miners #smartDevices #trackingdevices #hotel #quarantined
#Australia needs to be able to blame the #recession on #covid.
If people started looking at the #bankers, #traffickers and #limitsToGrowth then we would see #society shift its proirities.
We can't have that.
We must keep the focus on what is described as #coronavirus.
#auspol #divideAndRule #takingTheWorldPrivate #privateIsland #islandGetaway #underTheCoverOfCovid #forcedNews #msm
#australia #recession #covid #bankers #traffickers #limitstogrowth #society #coronavirus #auspol #divideandrule #takingTheWorldPrivate #privateIsland #islandGetaway #underTheCoverOfCovid #forcedNews #msm