The ornate and extravagant Kinloch Castle on the Isle of Rum. Built between 1897 and 1900, it had electricity, central heating, hi-tech plumbing and an internal telephone system. A slice of Belgravia, and perhaps Bohemia, in Scotland. More pics and info:
#Scotland #KinlochCastle #Castle #Rum #IsleOfRum #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #isleofrum #rum #castle #kinlochcastle #scotland
The mountainous island of Rum, the largest of the Small Isles that lie to the south of the Isle of Skye, seen from the east in the light of an autumn dawn. The mountains rise to a height of 2,663ft at the summit of Askival. More pics and info:
#undiscoveredscotland #smallisles #isleofrum #rum #scotland
@sarahdalgulls I'm sure I have met many people who like drinking #rum (not me) but not on the #IsleofRum 😉
@sarae an island population of one! Pity that he can't communicate with his fellow island cervids on the #isleofrum on the other side of the Atlantic #cervuselaphus #elk #reddeer #RumRedDeerProject
#isleofrum #cervuselaphus #elk #RedDeer #rumreddeerproject
@isleofeigg I may have seen you from #isleofrum but I have never visited. Best wishes!
Es gibt doch tatsächlich eine atemberaubend schöne Insel namens #Rum (Rùm), und ich bin schon von den Fotos verliebt 😍 Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, da den einen oder anderen Rum mit Blick aufs Meer zu schlürfen....... hach..
#ThinSectionThursday Perhaps my favourite rock 😍 Sample U5A17 from my PhD fieldwork collected from Unit 5 of the Eastern Layered Intrusion in Rum a long time ago. Blue and green crystals of olivine enclosed in buff-coloured clinopyroxene, and striped plagioclase. Cross-polars illumination. Field of view 2mm across. #Microscopy #IsleOfRum #Geology #Igenous
#ThinSectionThursday #microscopy #isleofrum #geology #igenous
Loch nam ban Mora #IsleofEigg #IsleofRum #Eigg #Scotland
#scotland #eigg #isleofrum #isleofeigg