We hope everybody is having a bonzer time in Brisbane!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #ISMAR #ISMAR2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #StructuralBiology
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #ismar #ismar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #structuralbiology
🔔Attention XR & replication studies enthusiasts! Great news! 🎉
The deadline for submissions to the 3rd Workshop on Replication in Extended Reality (WoRXR) at IEEE ISMAR 2023 has been EXTENDED to August 1! ⏰
Seize this chance to share your insights and work. Submit today 🌐: https://sites.google.com/view/worxr23/home
#ismar2023 #worxr #extendeddeadline #AR #vr #xr
Attention researchers interested in replication studies and Extended Reality (XR)!
The workshop provides an excellent platform for exploring the intersection of replication practices and XR, including AR and VR, and publishing results of replicated studies (your own or others).
To learn more about the workshop and the submission process, visit the official website: https://sites.google.com/view/worxr23/home
Join us at #ISMAR2023 #WoRXR #ReplicationStudies #AR #VR #XR
#ismar2023 #worxr #replicationstudies #AR #vr #xr
M. Weerasinghe (@auvoidsky ), A. Quigley, K. Č. Pucihar, A. Toniolo, A. Miguel and M. Kljun, “Arigatō: Effects of Adaptive Guidance on Engagement and Performance in Augmented Reality Learning Environments,” in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 3737-3747, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3203088.
#ismar2023 will be hosted in Sydney Australia. I am a member of the conference advisory group. https://aaronquigley.org/2022/11/ismar-2022-singapore/