It's not only #CEV who are at a high #risk from #Covid #Covid19 everyone over #50yrs has an increasing #risk from the #virus. The truth is we now live on planet #isolation unless we want to have a ticket to the #coronavirus #life limiting #lottery.
#lottery #life #coronavirus #isolation #virus #50yrs #COVID19 #COVID #risk #cev
Bring back garden furniture in the front yard
#community #neighbours #isolation #frontyardfurniture
#community #neighbours #isolation #frontyardfurniture
What You Are Missing in Life
The modern human existence is one dominated by hollow experiences, bullshit, material consumption, and a constant sense of isolation and abandonment, despite being surrounded by masses of people. Why?
#missing #life #hollow #materialism #isolation #abandonment #why
#missing #life #hollow #materialism #isolation #abandonment #why
@tito_swineflu Tasking an organization with, "protect everyone from every #existential threat otherwise not covered by another organization" is a recipe for #inaction, #isolation and a #monopoly on #violence
#inaction #existential #police #policeunion #isolation #monopoly #violence
All the others left…
#inkyconditions #Illustration #art #Landscape #farm #isolation
#isolation #farm #Landscape #Art #Illustration #inkyconditions
“The analysis, published this month in the #JournalofInfection and #PublicHealth, considered the results of 15 studies which used swab samples from mobile phones to test for #SARSCoV2.
Conducted between 2020–23 across 10 different countries, the studies checked 511 #MobilePhones, of which 231 (45%) were found contaminated with SARS-CoV-2.
All the studies took place in #hospitals, with two also conducting tests in #isolation rooms as well as a patient’s house.”
#journalofinfection #publichealth #SarsCoV2 #mobilephones #hospitals #isolation
Rentrée scolaire : le chantier titanesque des écoles mal isolées
#ecoles #isolation #urgenceclimatique
#ecoles #isolation #urgenceclimatique
How Are We Evolving As Humans In A World Run By Elites?
Alan Watt - Darwin's Vision Not So Pretty. How Are We Evolving As Humans In A World Run By Elites?
Alan Watt talks about how the elites and those in power are guiding us down the path they want us to walk in regards to our beliefs, education etc. Keeping us seperated and giving us no chance of coming together and looking after one another like humans should be.
#AlanWatt #system #elites #evolution #isolation #classwar #adopted #culture #slaves #trained
#alanwatt #system #elites #evolution #isolation #classwar #adopted #culture #slaves #trained
So unfassbar gut.
#taxidriver #arte #deniro #foster #keitel #scorsese #nyc #isolation #loneliness #schrader #bickle #betsy #iris
#Iris #betsy #bickle #Schrader #loneliness #isolation #nyc #scorsese #keitel #foster #deniro #arte #taxidriver
Sometimes though, things go wrong.
#HearNewWorlds #isolation #space #music
#hearnewworlds #isolation #space #music
Two waves (1950s & 1970s) of systemic deinstitutionalisation and there are more “beds” than before; they just look different.
Busting the Deinstitutionalization Myth: We Actually Have More Beds Than Ever Before
New data upends common beliefs about asylum closures, deinstitutionalization, and rates of psychiatric coercion.
Hashtags & Group mentions below
#Madness #MadMastodon #MadPride #MadThought
#MadMovement #MadStudies #Mad #Madodon #TransMad
#eugenics #asylum #CarceralAbleism
#AntiBlackSanism #instutionalization
#Ablesim #DisabilityCommunity #InvisibleDisabilities
#PsychiatricSurvivor #AntiPsychiatry #DisabilityJustice
#LivedExperience #PsychSurvivor #ChronicPain
#DisabilityMastodon #Neurodivergent #RadicalMentalHealth
#CripCamp #DisabilityRights #NeuroDiversity
#Sanism #Disability #DisabilityStudies
#Stories #isolation
#madliterature #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #eugenics #asylum #carceralableism #antiblacksanism #instutionalization #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories #isolation
Mad Crip doula: offering holistic and emotional spiritual bodymind care, mixed with practical and crisis support (and plant medicine). moving from a liberation-centered and anti-oppressive lens. a transition doula with skills in: abortion, death, grief, Madness, and Disability.
endorsing: non-carceral, peer-led mental health care systems that exist outside of the state, reimagining everything we’ve come to learn about madness, and intervening in systems that oppress, disappear, and kill Disabled and mad folks.
Please Note: I don’t know Them in any capacity and They sure look bad-ass
Hashtags & Group mentions below
#Madness #MadMastodon #MadPride #MadThought
#MadMovement #MadStudies #Mad #Madodon #TransMad
#Ablesim #DisabilityCommunity #InvisibleDisabilities
#PsychiatricSurvivor #AntiPsychiatry #DisabilityJustice
#LivedExperience #PsychSurvivor #ChronicPain
#DisabilityMastodon #Neurodivergent #RadicalMentalHealth
#CripCamp #DisabilityRights #NeuroDiversity
#Sanism #Disability #DisabilityStudies
#Stories #isolation
#madliterature #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #carceralableism #instutionalization #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories #isolation
People stop calling when you don't have "fun" stuff to talk about any more. The life of a chronically ill person. Lonely as hell.
I accepted when friends disappeared years ago when I couldn't keep going to events or happy hours. Now the world is ok if I disappear (COVID) and my own siblings have stopped calling or texting.
Feeling really alone. Sorry this isn't a happy post, but that's kind of the point.
#disability #NEISvoid #isolation #chronicillness
Effectiveness of #testing, #contact #tracing and #isolation interventions among the general population on reducing #transmission of #SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review #research #science #pandemic #preparedness
#testing #Contact #tracing #isolation #transmission #sars #research #Science #pandemic #preparedness
Et puis vivement le financement publique d’isolation des combles, par contre ! C’est autant une passoire qu’un four solaire.
#comble #isolation #isolationthermique
Mon beau-frère qui a pris la mesure des devants que nous avons pris nous-mêmes en terme de #climat et d' #adaptation , tente activement de s'investir dans la maison de sa mère (où ça commence à être critique), qu'il compte reprendre #Isolation , récupération d'eau de pluie, #vegetalisation , etc
Il fait la demande pour peindre le toit en blanc (lotissement, maisons mitoyennes) :
Refusé ! 🤪
M'en vais lui conseiller la dissidence !! 😇
#climat #adaptation #isolation #vegetalisation
Coucou la communauté #bricolage #electricien #renovation #isolation :mastodon:
Je cherche des #livre pour commencer les travaux chez moi, le tout est bienvenu !
J’ai le livre « Le grand livre de l’électricité » qui est tres tres tres bien, mais on ne peut jamais avoir assez de livres ^^
#bricolage #electricien #renovation #isolation #livre
Et vous votre vibe estivale ? #SummerCassoulet #SiesteChats #Isolation #PointP
#summercassoulet #siestechats #isolation #pointp
excellent explanation of what's at stake w proposed new CDC #isolation guidelines by @msmacb: Why the #CDC’s New #Mask Guideline Proposal May Actually Imperil Frontline Workers via @thedailybeast #HICPAC
Shores of Solitude: Navigating the Beach of Isolation
#CreativeWriting #Story #SelfReflection #Isolation #Fear #Analogy OR
#analogy #fear #isolation #selfreflection #story #creativewriting