A mere 22% of New England electricity demand met by behind the meter solar, which #ISONewEngland sees but doesn’t count as part of its market.
@CelloMomOnCars yes, I refer to it sarcastically as merely a financial emergency, which #ISONewEngland seems to suggest is tolerable, even though it is ratepayers who pay for these failures of #UnreliableFossilFuels.
#unreliablefossilfuels #isonewengland
@CelloMomOnCars sure! Here’s a description of what happened: https://indepthnh.org/2023/01/04/the-electricity-nightmare-before-christmas-2/
and here is #isonewengland’s explanation for what generators failed (gas & other fossil fuels): https://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/2023/02/combined_storm_elliott_op4_letters.pdf
huh! Gas was also the biggest failure on the #nightmarebeforexmas 2022 in #isonewengland.
#isonewengland #nightmarebeforexmas
Something’s wrong over at #isonewengland. Website down, app has limited functionality, last alert posted is an emergency declaration.
Why does #ISONewEngland call 4 GW behind-the-meter solar “demand”? It’s supply. It’s the same reason they have no language for who produced it. We ratepayers can only be “consumers” because #ISONewEngland needs us to be so for them to make sales and profit off us.
Should we change how the regional electric grid manager, #ISONewEngland, refers to “consumers”? Choose below or reply with “other” & add yours!
More info:
The age of #EnergyDemocracy is here. Please demand that #FERC support #PeoplePower, not the same old business-as-usual corporate power concentration #ISONewEngland is offering up.
#energydemocracy #ferc #peoplepower #isonewengland
My planning meeting for the #ISONewEngland Consumer Liaison Group was disrupted by the noise from these polluters.
In #FERC’s world, it’s OK to be the customer of your own company, since ratepayers are the bank. #ISONewEngland
#ISONewEngland keeps incorrectly referring to solar production as demand reduction.
All the bidders in green get paid, not their bid price, but the higher, price-setter bid (D) price. You get a free bonus if you underbid!
Guess who bankrolls that corporate distribution of wealth?
With no fuel costs, a ratepayer demand response collective can always bid lower than fuel-based resources which can’t avoid accounting for fuel costs.
It’s like getting paid for riding your bike. Seems like another rule with unintended consequences for #ISONewEngland, but there it is, to be wielded.
I just realized that a ratepayer demand response collective, say 1000 ratepayers cooperatively pledging to each avoid 100 W at peak hour, meeting the minimum #ISONewEngland resource size rule of 100 kW, is *guaranteed to win* in an #ISONewEngland grid auction due to the Uniform Clearing Price rule, in which every bidder that clears the market, including lowest bidders, get paid as much as the highest bidder that squeezed in under the clearing price.
Referring to residential solar/battery generation as “demand reduction” is backwards.
It’s revealing how #ISONewEngland views ratepayer producers as only “consumers” and behind-the-meter production as a grid market externality.
#ISONewEngland doesn’t question its basic transmission system architecture when it does its studies assessing grid reliability. Single point failures are a system vulnerability we need to recognize.
#ISO doesn’t because resilience through decentralizing power decentralizes its power.
#ISONewEngland is set up to prevent ratepayers from exercising market power.
#ISONewEngland is focused on carefully incrementalizing change so that it doesn’t disrupt the basic business model, when what is needed is just the opposite: the ISO business model and the very architecture of the grid need disruption. Wealth distribution needs to replace wealth concentration, and distributed
control needs to counterbalance centralized control. We have the technical tools and the people power to do it.
Here’s the #ISONewEngland explaining how every kernel of corn is just like every other - doesn’t matter how it’s produced, who labored to produce it, what the impacts of its production on the environment was. There is no such thing as fair trade organic corn. All corn is just corn. All labor is just labor. Everything is a commodity.
The only reason we’re poisoning kids’ lungs in Bow, NH and ruining the planet with coal is for wealthy investors Greenwich CT and their #ISONewEngland enablers.