Wipe On, Wipe Off: Make Your Own Rain Repellent https://hackaday.com/2023/01/09/wipe-on-wipe-off-make-your-own-rain-repellent/ #chemistryhacks #sulfuricacid #dimethicone #isopropyl #ethanol #how-to #rain-x
#chemistryhacks #sulfuricacid #dimethicone #isopropyl #ethanol #how #rain
Wipe On, Wipe Off: Make Your Own Rain Repellent - Once upon a time, we drove an old six-volt VW Beetle. One sad day, the wiper motor... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/09/wipe-on-wipe-off-make-your-own-rain-repellent/ #chemistryhacks #sulfuricacid #dimethicone #isopropyl #ethanol #how-to #rain-x
#rain #how #ethanol #isopropyl #dimethicone #sulfuricacid #chemistryhacks
@trendless 🖤
#DIY is often better than what’s commercially available🌈
still can’t believe my hand virus thing.. it’s like I’m cursed😉
One of these days I’ll probs get into that salt+water ionizing cleaner thing, but for now
#isopropyl #vinegar #killGerms #microbes
#diy #isopropyl #vinegar #killgerms #microbes
If you ever think the #usbc port of you #phone is worn and cables you plug into your #smartphone slip out easily - just try to #clean the the port with something thin, sturdy and ideally non metallic, a bit of #compressed air and, if it's really stuck in the maybe #isopropyl #alcohol.
I was struggling with my phone for almost six months and even had a couple of times where my #battery was #empty in the morning because the cable unplugged itself over night. After cleaning the port, it feels like a new one.
#usbc #smartphone #clean #compressed #isopropyl #alcohol #battery #empty #phone