Copper Be Gone: The Chemistry Behind PCB Etching - For a lot of reasons, home etching of PCBs is somewhat of a dying art. The main re... - #sodiumpersulfate #chemistryhacks #ferricchloride #hydrochloric #anisotropic #chemistry #isotropic #oxidation #reduction #featured #peroxide #etching #skills #copper #cupric #acid #pcb
#pcb #acid #cupric #copper #skills #etching #peroxide #featured #reduction #oxidation #isotropic #chemistry #anisotropic #hydrochloric #ferricchloride #chemistryhacks #sodiumpersulfate
Working on my #bot to explore escape-time fractals, rendered with distance estimator colouring using my #et project. It's a #bash script that calls out to #ghc #haskell for calculator functionality, plus image fitness function in custom #C code (using #openmp for #parallel processing).
Flatness of #directionality #histogram seems to be a good #metric to add into the #fitness function for exploring #fractals algorithmically, because stretched/skewed images will have strong directionality peaks, while more #isotropic regions will be flatter.
I implemented it using 5x5 #Sobel filters as suggested on the #ImageJ website. Nothing fancy (like Earth Mover's Distance, which I haven't figured out for circular arrays yet) for the histogram comparison, just Euclidean vector distance.
#bot #et #bash #ghc #haskell #c #openmp #parallel #directionality #histogram #metric #fitness #fractals #isotropic #sobel #imagej