Gizmodo: NASA Pinpoints Clogged Propellant Lines as the Cause of Lunar Flashlight’s End #explorationofthemoon #technologyinternet #secondarypayloads #lunarflashlight #inspaceflight #lunaricecube #celestesmith #unitedstates #environment #nathancheek #cubesats #ispace #moon
#explorationofthemoon #technologyinternet #secondarypayloads #lunarflashlight #inspaceflight #lunaricecube #celestesmith #unitedstates #environment #nathancheek #cubesats #ispace #moon
#SpaceX is standing down from Falcon 9's launch of #ispace's #HAKUTO-R Mission 1. A new target launch date will be shared once confirmed.
Gizmodo: Spectacular Blast During Rocket Engine Test Marks Frustrating Setback for Japan #spaceprogramofjapan #googlelunarxprize #disasteraccident #spaceflight #epsilon #ispace #hakuto #jaxa
#spaceprogramofjapan #googlelunarxprize #disasteraccident #spaceflight #epsilon #ispace #hakuto #jaxa
Japoniako #Ispace konpainiak, #HakutoR moduluaren ilargiratze saiakeraren berrikuspenaren emaitzan iragarri zuen, espaziontziaren softwareak oker kalkulatu zuela ilargiaren gainazaleko altuera (Ilargi-krater batek nahastu egin zuen) istripua eraginez.
#ispace #hakutor #Espazioa #ilargia
民間探月裝置失聯墜毀 日本太空初創解釋事故起因
今年 4 月底日本太空初創 ispace 的白兔號登月艙,在嘗試於月球表面著陸期間與地球的控制中心失去聯絡,當時已經有指白兔號在著陸時發生事故,但並未獲得 ispace 的證實。事隔約一個月,ispace 終於公開白兔號未能成功著陸的原因。
The post 民間探月裝置失聯墜毀 日本太空初創解釋事故起因 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#生活科技 #ispace #登月 #白兔號登月艙
Krater zorgde voor neerstorten Japanse maanlander
De Japanse privé-maanlander Hakuto-R stortte eind april meer tijdens zijn landingspoging omdat de hoogtesensor aan boord in de war raakte door de rand van een maankrater. Ondanks de mislukte landing voltooide de lander met succes acht van de negen missiemijlpalen.
#maanlander #maankrater #japan #ispace #hakutor #crash
#Reuters 📆 May 26, 2023 An #ispace investigation showed that after the vehicle passed over a large lunar cliff, a sensor #software glitch 🐞 caused a discrepancy between its actual and expected altitude, and after its fuel ran out, it plummeted the last 5 kilometres (3 miles) to the #moon's 🌙 surface. A second #ispace mission is scheduled in 📆 2024
Picture :
#reuters #ispace #software #moon
A press release from ispace on what happened to HAKUTO-R.
"ispace Announces Results of the "HAKUTO-R" Mission 1 Lunar Landing"
Space News: NASA located ispace’s lander that crashed into the Moon in the Hakuto-R mission. #ispace #moon #space #NASA #Lunar #Hakuto-R #crash #crashlanding #spaceflight
#ispace #moon #space #NASA #lunar #hakuto #crash #crashlanding #spaceflight
Ads in #space
• #NovaC lander : #Columbia Sportswear
• #Ispace lander : #JapanAirlines, #Suzuki, #SMBC bank
• #AxiomSpace : #Mumm champagne
• #VoyagerSpace : #Hilton hotel
In the late 1990s, #PizzaHut paid to place a logo on a Russian space mission, #Pepsi paid seven figures for Russian astronauts to pose beside a four-foot-high replica of its soda can, and the Israeli food brand #Tnuva hired a Russian astronaut to film a 90-second commercial for one of its milk products. #Adidas, #EstéeLauder, and #Mattel have dispatched their products to the #ISS
Pictures :
#space #novac #columbia #ispace #japanairlines #suzuki #smbc #axiomspace #mumm #voyagerspace #hilton #pizzahut #pepsi #tnuva #adidas #esteelauder #mattel #iss
Vergangene Woche sollte eine Sonde des japanischen Start-ups Ispace auf dem Mond aufsetzen. Es wäre die erste Mondlandung eines privaten Unternehmens gewesen. Aber warum wollen Unternehmen eigentlich auf den Mond?
#DeutscheZentrumFürLuftUndRaumfahrt #Hakuto #Ispace #Mondlandung #Raumfahrt #Forschungsquartett
#deutschezentrumfurluftundraumfahrt #hakuto #ispace #mondlandung #raumfahrt #forschungsquartett
#shownotes for @gamesatwork_biz #podcast e414 with my friends @michaelrowe01 & @andypiper are done, and publication set for tomorrow on and all your favorite podcast feeds! Topics this week include #Minecraft #Critterz #FatboySlim #Humanity #Humanities #AI #PromptEngineering #LEGO and #ispace
#ispace #LEGO #PromptEngineering #AI #humanities #Humanity #fatboyslim #critterz #Minecraft #Podcast #shownotes
RT @ispace_inc
We would like to express our gratitude for the many messages of support and encouragement that we have received following our lunar landing attempt. It means a lot to have such a wonderful, global community cheering us on and believing in our vision. (1/2)
Het Witte Konijn versnelde onverwacht voor hij te pletter sloeg op de Maan
Het in Tokio gevestigde ispace is er sinds het uitvoeren van een landingspoging afgelopen dinsdag, niet in geslaagd de communicatie met zijn M1 lander te herstellen
#witkonijn #maanlander #maan #japan #ispace #hakuto
The Japanese mission #HAKUTO-R was supposed to land on the Moon 2 days ago, but it is now believed that the spacecraft crashed into the surface. This spacecraft was built by the privately funded company #ispace.
This failure follows on the crash of the #Beresheet lander on April 11 2019 that was built by the private Israeli company #SpaceIL.
This year we will see three more landing attempts by the private US companies #Astrobotics and #IntuitiveMachines.
#hakuto #ispace #beresheet #spaceil #astrobotics #intuitivemachines
@MacropodCare Nothing to do with Musk really. Spacex launched it perfectly, but then Musk doesn't run day-to-day things there anyway. It is the superb President & COO Gwynne Shotwell who has made Spacex into the powerhouse it has become.
The HAKUTO-R crashed entirely under its own, evidently inadequate, steam.
The ispace team must keep trying. It's the only way.
#space #ispace #hakutor #spacex
#Space #ispace #hakutor #spacex
Landungen auf dem Mond scheinen ein ziemlich schwieriges Unterfangen zu sein.
Das sehen sie sich im Artemis-Projekt sicher ganz genau an.
#Raumfahrt #Mond #ispace #HakutoR #Artemis
#raumfahrt #mond #ispace #hakutor #artemis
#Reuters 📆 April 26, 2023 #Japan's 🇯🇵 #ispace #MoonLander #Hakuto "apparently went into a free-fall towards the surface as it was running out of #fuel ⛽ to fire up its thrusters"
#reuters #Japan #ispace #moonlander #hakuto #fuel