The Israeli state is attempting to exert top-level diplomatic influence to lock up those who stand against its war machine. #IsraelIsAnAparteidState #StopSupportingIsrael #StopSupportingApartheid #ApartheidIsrael #FreePalestine #PalestineSolidarity #PalestineAction
#israelisanaparteidstate #stopsupportingisrael #stopsupportingapartheid #apartheidisrael #freepalestine #palestinesolidarity #palestineaction
If Palestinians resist through armed struggle, they are called terrorists, yet attempts to resist through peaceful means like BDS are outlawed #BDS #BoycottDivestmentSanctions #BoycottIsrael #BoycottIsraeliApartheid #IsraelIsAnAparteidState #FreePalestine #FuckTheTories
#bds #boycottdivestmentsanctions #boycottisrael #boycottisraeliapartheid #israelisanaparteidstate #freepalestine #fuckthetories
On 1 March, a terrifying new bill passed its first reading in the Israeli parliament. It would allow Israeli courts to impose the death penalty on Palestinians. However, it would not impose the same sentence on Israeli colonists.
The extreme right-wing Zionist Yisrael Beitenu (Israel Our Homeland) party proposed the Bill. Parliament passed it 55 votes for, 9 against.
#IsraelIsAnAparteidState #IsraeliApartheid #ApartheidIsrael #FarRightIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #EndTheOccupation #FreePalestine
#israelisanaparteidstate #israeliapartheid #apartheidisrael #farrightisrael #israelioccupation #endtheoccupation #freepalestine
Please watch - Israel is becoming a fascist state - #IsraelFascism #IsraelApartheid #IsraelIsAnAparteidState #StopArmingIsrael #StopSupportingAfascistState #FreePalestine
#israelfascism #israelapartheid #israelisanaparteidstate #stoparmingisrael #stopsupportingafasciststate #freepalestine
UK Government has been spying on Palestinian people - Article and links to report - #IsraelIsAnAparteidState #IsraelApartheid #StopArmingIsrael #FreePalestine #FreeFreePalestine
#israelisanaparteidstate #israelapartheid #stoparmingisrael #freepalestine #freefreepalestine