GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 578 posts · Server

Ooooo! The is really gonna be pissed off with this ⤵️ being published!

committee releases exhaustive study on the legality of ’s occupation: ‘The study is the most comprehensive and persuasive analysis of why the Israel has now become illegal,’ says former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk. ‘It will be the intellectual and political touchstone on and international law for some time.’”

by Jeff Wright in @mondoweiss

“Last week, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) issued a study two years in the making: ‘The Legality of the of the , Including East .’”

“Following a finding of , the study concludes that, according to international law:

the consequences should be the immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of Israel’s military forces; the withdrawal of colonial settlers; and the dismantling of the military administrative regime, with clear instructions that withdrawal of breach of an internationally wrongful act is not subject to negotiation. Full and commensurate reparations should be accorded to the affected Palestinian individuals, corporations and entities for the generational harm caused by Israel’s land and property appropriations, house demolitions, pillage of natural resources, denial of return, and other war crimes against humanity orchestrated for the colonialist, annexationists aims of an illegal occupant.”

#israellobby #un #israel #occupation #palestine #israeli #OccupiedTerritories #jerusalem #illegality #apartheidisrael #SettlerColonialism #illegaloccupation #ethniccleansing #genocide #racism #fascism #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #childtorture #childmurder #sexualabuse #falseimprisonment #gazaconcentrationcamp #collectivepunishment #freepalestine

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 578 posts · Server

“A seditious project:
Asa ’s book [‘Weaponising ’] shows how the facilitated the influence of a foreign government's interests in dictating who gets to lead the @UKLabour Party, causing the downfall of Jeremy

by Jonathan Coulter in @mondoweiss

This article is well worth a read because of the additional light it sheds on the complicity of British mainstream media is undermining democracy in the country they continually claim is a ‘bastion of democracy’! It also reinforces the extent to which, if any reinforcement is necessary, the ‘Lobby’ has managed to ‘insulate’ pretty much all the upper eschelons of British government from any anti-Israel/ Zionist leanings!

The article touches on the success of the Israeli government in ‘manufacturing’ & helping to resource a wide range of pro-Israel ‘astroturf’ civil society organisations as part of its strategy to counter the movement. A much fuller account of this activity is provided in author Hil ’s excellent recently published book: “Friends of Israel: The Backlash Against Palestine Solidarity” (Verso)

#winstanley #antisemitism #israellobby #labour #corbyn #apartheid #bds #aked

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 416 posts · Server

I’ve just started reading Hil 's new book “Friends of : the Backlash Against Palestine Solidarity” (Verso, 2023) in order to get a better handle on what the in Britain today looks like and how it works to enable and sustain the regime of oppression by the Israeli state against Palestinians.

solidarity activism globally, especially the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions () movement, is facing a major pro-Israel backlash. Aked’s book tells the story of this repression in with detail and nuance, explaining the role of the and governments and the movement.

By pushing back against efforts to conflate criticism of Israel with and demystifying the actors defending Israeli apartheid, Aked carves out a space for an anti-racist discussion about the pro-Israel networks standing in the way of Palestine solidarity, situating them as part of the long history of British in Israeli .

Quoting briefly from an early section of the book entitled “Britain’s historic responsibility”:

“Britain’s historic and ongoing role on Palestinian oppression cannot be overstated. In the early years of Zionist settler colonialism, British imperialism had something of a symbiotic relationship with the Zionist movement; indeed, the former nurtured the latter in its formative years.

[..] The original foundation, then, of British support for the Zionist project was its usefulness to the British Empire, just as Israel’s ‘special relationship’ with North America today rests, to a very significant degree, on its utility to US imperialism.

This book therefore attempts to situate the birth and ongoing activities of the British Zionist movement within the broader history of British state racism which continues to this day. [..] The same racist political logic shaped Britain’s treatment of colonial populations, from Palestinians to the Windrush generation, and both groups continue to suffer the consequences today.”

#aked #israel #israellobby #apartheid #palestine #bds #britain #israeli #british #zionist #antisemitism #complicity

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
27 followers · 256 posts · Server

was already one of the most prolific engines for the global military, permanent war, surveillance & death industry …. and then this:

and : partners in Israeli Apartheid”

via Jonathan K Cook in @intifada ()

“Getting either Amazon or Google to honor their public commitments to ethical behavior by withdrawing from Project may prove much harder – and not only because of the contractual obligations Israel has insisted on.

has become too integral to the global and war industries for any tech giant to risk antagonizing it. With profits galore to be derived from closer collaboration with the military industrial complex, the pressure will be on to forge closer bonds with Israel, whatever its human rights record.

And with the
deeply ensconced in Western capitals, the tech corporations will not wish to risk the reputational damage of being tarred as anti-Semitic for boycotting Israel.

Pressure may be mounting on many companies to distance themselves from Israel over its occupation and apartheid policies. But for Amazon and Google it is those very practices of occupation and that are a tech seam waiting to be mined.”

#apartheidisrael #amazon #Google #ElectronicIntifada #nimbus #israel #surveillance #israellobby #apartheid #securitystate #surveillancecapitalism #palestine #oppression #warcrimes #SettlerColonialism #crimesagainsthumanity #ai #bds #freepalestine

Last updated 1 year ago

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 · @mondoweiss
1849 followers · 526 posts · Server

Liberal Zionist groups in the US are begging President Joe Biden to save Israel from itself. Mondoweiss' Phil Weiss and Michael Arria break down the impact of Israel's judicial reforms on the increasingly fragile relationship between Israel and the US public.

#israellobby #aipac #zoa #conferenceofpresidents #judaism #uspolitics #hasbara #zionism #zionist #israel #palestine #diaspora #freespeech #rightwing #internationallaw #humanrights #occupation #idf #israeldefenseforces

Last updated 1 year ago

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 · @mondoweiss
1843 followers · 511 posts · Server

Will the US ever condition aid to Israel? Israel's ongoing judicial reforms have sparked significant controversy, not only within Israel itself but also among US lawmakers. Mondoweiss' Phil Weiss says the Israel lobby is in '"complete disarray."

#israeljudicialreforms #israellobby #aipac #zoa #conferenceofpresidents #judaism #uspolitics #hasbara #zionism #zionist #israel #palestine #diaspora #freespeech #rightwing #canarymission #internationallaw #humanrights #occupation #idf

Last updated 1 year ago

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 · @mondoweiss
1841 followers · 506 posts · Server

Israel's ongoing judicial reforms have sparked significant controversy, not only within Israel itself but also among US lawmakers. As the landscape is reshaped by these reforms, Mondoweiss' Phil Weiss and Michael Arria dissect the unfolding events and the potential repercussions, particularly within the realm of Israel's primary supporters in the US and the influential Israel lobby.

#israellobby #aipac #zoa #judaism #uspolitics #hasbara #zionism #zionist #israel #palestine

Last updated 1 year ago

JR.Ewing · @skn1
5 followers · 185 posts · Server

won't hold Israel to the fire. Thanks to - they are all afraid. doesn't hold a candle.
controls &

#biden #aipac #nra #israellobby #uscongress #whitehouse

Last updated 1 year ago