El ente sionista llamado Israel ha asesinado hoy a 8 palestinos en Jenin, ha herido a otros 80, de los cuales 17 están en estado crítico.
El sionismo es terrorismo.
"Somewhere it's jarring for me the use we did with the name, Dir Yassin, like we got it out its historical context, and now Dir Yassin is a name of a punk band from Israel. Dir Yassin is not a hardcore band. Dir Yassin was a village near Jerusalem. Dir Yassin is an example to the way in which life are treated in Israel, past and present. The massacre in Dir Yassin is the beginning of the term 'no choice', which became sacred ever since. According to it we start wars, murder and torture people, bombing houses and blinding children. Rooted in every mouth and in every possible situation. There's no such thing as or a situation of no choice. Maybe due to being raised in a state which put me to the test, who am I and what my values are, against my family and friends, the values I was raised upon, and the entire society. In this situation I decided to say no to something almost stronger than me, which made me stronger than every soldier who is capable to shoot under pressure, but can't refuse an order when he is being told to shoot the eyes of an 11 yo kid who is throwing stones. I know there's a choice"
#hardcore #punk #powerviolence #thrashcore #israhell #diryassin
#hardcore #punk #powerviolence #thrashcore #israhell #diryassin
I think it is clear to a lot of people that #Israel #Israhell will turn into a #dictatorship under #corrupt #PM #Netanuyahu #Zionism
All subsidies and grants should be stopped for the country until Benjamin Netanyahu is ousted from the #government.
#boycottIsrael #Palestine #Ukraine #UN #EU #Europe #USA #MiddleEast
#israel #israhell #dictatorship #corrupt #pm #netanuyahu #zionism #government #boycottisrael #palestine #Ukraine #un #EU #europe #usa #middleeast
The #Zion and Palestine hater #Netanyahu is back in power in #Israhell #Israel and the #Palestinians are paying for that fact with their lifes. It all started after #WWII when the Allies established the state Israel without the consent of the #Palestinians.
The rest is #history.
The#Jews stole the land from the Palestinians and behave like the #NAZIS did in #Germany in WWII.
Personally I hate all Israel stands for, and personally I believe they should give the land back to the real owners instead of supporting this Zionist #apartheid regime!
#Palestine vs the #diaspora lie of #Bibi Netanyahu.
#zion #netanyahu #israhell #israel #palestinians #wwii #history #Nazis #germany #apartheid #palestine #diaspora #bibi
#israHELL is a terrorist state
RT @ArthurM40330824@twitter.com
#Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu:
“Tonight we decided to attack terrorist organizations. Our response will be strong, fast and accurate. Whoever wants to harm us, we will harm him.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ArthurM40330824/status/1619590529972596737
#israHELL must be stopped
RT @ELNescio@twitter.com
Israeli terror Squad,have ransacked a Palestinian refugee camp.
They killed nine people,under whom several children.
Children are a known target for Israeli forces,in every raid,they make sure to target children,
as is also confirmed and condemned by U.N.H.C.R.
(report.2019)✌️🇵🇸 https://twitter.com/WAFANewsEnglish/status/1618507309130600449
Un #lettamaio di #israHELL
RT @NeriZilber@twitter.com
In bombshell ruling Israel's Supreme Court instructed PM Netanyahu to fire his close political ally, Aryeh Deri. The case is a microcosm of a larger looming battle as the government looks to overhaul the country's judicial system. My report @csmonitor@twitter.com https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2023/0119/Court-tells-Netanyahu-to-fire-ally-intensifying-fight-over-democracy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NeriZilber/status/1616428538927939585
Sarà stata legittima difesa, come in #israHELL...
v/ @dvaldi1@twitter.com
RT @Giul_Granato@twitter.com
“Stanno provando a uccidermi come con #GeorgeFloyd”.
#KeenanAnderson, insegnante e padre di 31 anni, è stato ucciso. Perché nero. Col taser.
Arma "non letale" che in 16 anni negli USA ha fatto 1.081 morti. Dal 2022 è in dotazione anche in Italia.
Così siamo tutti più sicuri.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Giul_Granato/status/1613895393175306244
#keenananderson #GeorgeFloyd #israhell
#stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraeliwarcrimes #FreePalestine #israHELL
v/ @_kuball_@twitter.com
RT @manolo_loop@twitter.com
Squid Game Zionist edition.
Intermezzo ludico offerto a un gruppo di palestinesi dai militi dell’unica Democrazia del Medioriente
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/manolo_loop/status/1612022461628817409
#MasaferYatta #israhell #freepalestine #stopisraeliwarcrimes #StopIsraeliTerrorism
Lo fanno per difendere i #ValoriOccidentali e per difendere la sacra patria, dai!
Stop #israHELL
RT @KenRoth@twitter.com
Netanyahu’s new Israeli government plans to overhaul the judicial system to weaken the supreme court. "Critics say the plan will undermine Israel’s democracy by giving absolute power to the most rightwing coalition in the country’s history." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/04/israel-unveils-controversial-plans-to-overhaul-judicial-system?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#stopisraelimurders now
Revolting #israHELL
c/ @UN@twitter.com
v/ @sergio_scorza@twitter.com
RT @adnanalsawair@twitter.com
1’ giorno dell’anno e la solita vigliaccheria di #IsraeliCrimes uccisi 6 arabi.
Un attacco al campo di #Jenin uccisi #FuadAbed e #MohdHushia oltre a distruggere le case loro e delle famiglie e un altro attacco all’aeroporto Damasco Siria, quattro morti,
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/adnanalsawair/status/1609928816146939904
#MohdHushia #FuadAbed #jenin #israelicrimes #freepalestine #israhell #stopisraelimurders
Per #letta e #segre sarà stato l'ennesimo caso di legittima difesa, per i #valoriOccidentali e della Resistenza.
#stopisraelimurders NOW!!
c/ @UN@twitter.com shame on #israHELL #FreePalestine
RT @HoyPalestina@twitter.com
Masacre en Jenin: Israel asesina a sangre fría a dos jóvenes en la ciudad ocupada de Jenin.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HoyPalestina/status/1609727257500876801
#freepalestine #israhell #stopisraelimurders #valorioccidentali #segre #Letta
shame on #israHELL
RT @dvaldi1@twitter.com
Coloni israeliani protetti dalla polizia irrompono nei cortili della moschea di Al-Aqsa nella #Gerusalemme occupata il primo giorno del nuovo anno 2023. https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1609452476138389506
#gerusalemme #israhell #freepalestine #StopIsraeliTerrorism
shame on #israHELL
shame on #netanyahu
v/ @francoisengo@twitter.com
RT @nevermore_007@twitter.com
An Israeli policeman strangles a Palestinian child to death on Saturday during US Embassy protest in Jerusalem. The innocent boy even read Kalima e shahadat before he died. Despite numerous attempts by groups to upload this video to Youtube, it has been consistently deleted.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nevermore_007/status/1609315491255914498
#freepalestine #netanyahu #israhell #stopisraelimurders
Sono i #valoriOccidentali dell'eurotrogolo di #vonderlayda, #metsola e compagnia danzante
RT @BowesChay@twitter.com
Von der Leyen “congratulates”Netanyahu. I’ll leave it there. https://twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1608512029207457794
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BowesChay/status/1609159895785291776
#israhell #Metsola #vonderlayda #valorioccidentali
#stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraeliapartheid #FreePalestine
shame on #israHELL
RT @group_16th@twitter.com
Israeli occupation bulldozers demolish makeshift accommodation belonging to the Salama Shqairat family in the Sawahra wilderness, southeast of occupied Jerusalem.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/group_16th/status/1609133183953502208
#16thOctoberGroup #israhell #freepalestine #StopIsraeliApartheid #StopIsraeliTerrorism
#stopisraeliwarcrimes #stopisraeliterrorism
#FreePalestine from #israHELL
RT @imemcnews@twitter.com
One Seriously, Israeli Soldiers Injure Several Palestinians in West Bank - https://imemc.org/article/one-seriously-israeli-soldiers-injure-several-palestinians-in-west-bank/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/imemcnews/status/1608385928371863554
#israhell #freepalestine #StopIsraeliTerrorism #stopisraeliwarcrimes