Despite this copy of Carpeaux's Ugolino near the entrance to #issi2023, we were fed really well
An interesting talk at #issi2023 by David Schindler, Erjia Yan, Sascha Spors, and Frank Krüger. They studied software used in retracted papers and compared it with the software used by the control group of similar non-retracted papers.
Retracted papers:
A) More often than the controls use commercial and closed source software instead of free and open source
B) More often do not cite software, providing just an informal mention.
My take: the good software practices might correlate with the good scientific practices overall.
Ana-Maria Istrate presented our work at #issi2023. A wonderful talk by a great coauthor.
A very insightful presentation by Jian Qin at #issi2023 about bibliometrics of datasets. Datasets are a novel kind of publications, separate from papers, and require adjustments in our approach.
Caroline Wagner at #issi2023 discussed citation patterns for single authored papers by males and females. Looks like the fraction of single papers is higher for females in early years of carrier. The citations are higher for males in "hard" sciences, not so in "soft" ones.
Derek de Solla Price Award talk at #issi2023 by Kevin Boyack & Richard Klavans stressed the necessity of global view for local problems. If we do clustering on a subset, we get different and worse results than if we cluster the set and project into the subset.
A talk at #issi2023 by Lin Zhang, Zhe Cao, and Gunnar Siversten about science in #Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.
The fraction of papers in Web of Science peaked some time ago and was decreasing. Big drop after the invasion. Collaborations also nosedived, with notable exception of 🇨🇳, 🇮🇳, 🇹🇷, and 🇮🇷. Especially in defense sensitive fields like Physics.
My takes:
1. Effects are not fully seen due to publication delay. Preprints may be better to look at.
2. There were notorious jailings of Russian defense scientists accused of spying for 🇨🇳. I wonder if while the 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 cooperation grew, the cooperation in these fields dropped?
A very interesting talk at #issi2023 by Casandra Rusti about the scientific output during #COVID19. The total number of papers and the number of authors increased, but the the number of papers per author dropped. The number of collaborations first increased, then dropped back
Grant Lewison at #issi2023 discussed science in #Ukraine in before 2022. There were clear consequences of Soviet past: better than expected Physics and Math, a much worse Agriculture and Medicine. Ukraine needs Ag since it exports ag products, and Med to treat its people.
An interesting finding was a high fraction of women in science (54%).
A sad news is the high concentration of scientific output in Kyiv. As a poet and a writer Maria Galina says, Ukrainian culture is in general not Kyiv centric, but rather a rhizome. It would be good for the science to follow suit
At #issi2023 @rhaunschild proposed a generalization of Erdős number. We start from the group of laureates of important awards and calculate the coauthorship distances. If we used this system and gave awards in 19 cent, the highest score after Goethe would belong to Eckermann.
The slides of my #issi2023 presentation on the prize winner index (PWI) are available here:
An important conclusion in the work by Xiaoya Ren at #issi2023, The time gap between the scientific work and its reward is long. Therefore we should not evaluate scientists too often. Let them do work first.
A very interesting idea at #issi2023 to follow memorial talks about the past giants of scientometrics by a panel about its future. The introductions of panelists were written by ChatGPT; it was rather funny.
A very interesting talk by Lingling MA at #issi2023. She predicted whether a paper was going to be retracted. Self citations is a big red flag.
A good research answers some questions and raises even more The presentation by @robysinatra at #issi2023 about gender biases in citations was an example of a good research.
#issi2023 had a great pre-conference day. I attended a fantastic casuality workshop and a fascinating tutorial on openAIRE, is a very promising data aggregation project in scientometrics.
@andremanno introduces @graspos at the #ISSI2023 workshop on "Transitioning towards Open Scientometric with Open Science Graphs"
RT @ReaderMeter
Congrats to @_AIstrate, @borisveytsman and team on having the CZ Software Mentions paper accepted at #issi2023 in @IUBloomington.
Preprint 👉🏻
What is this about? 👇🏻