Declan · @deckytoyou
97 followers · 284 posts · Server

I still believe people cannot unlearn what they have been taught. This is why is still under threat.

#mastondon #fediverse #truth #HardTake #people #issues #world #doom

Last updated 1 year ago

Declan · @deckytoyou
97 followers · 283 posts · Server
U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4875 followers · 4665 posts · Server

One of the reasons why people feel so much from is that no relevant connections are offered for their lives.

We need to think beyond , , and when we think about of scientific . , , and are relevant applications as well, and often more personal to people who feel alienated from science as we know it.

Nuclear physics feels more relevant when you're talking about Geiger counters being used to assess accident sites than when you're talking about them being used at bomb testing sites, even though the physics is essentially the same. Biochemistry feels more relevant when you're talking about water testing to monitor aquatic ecosystems for toxins than when you're talking about quality control for PepsiCo, even if you're talking about pH testing in both cases. Astronomy feels more relevant when you're talking about beautiful, profound JWST images that taught you something that amazed you about the universe we live in, than when it's a simple list of "fun facts" about galaxies. Chemistry feels more relevant when you get to try an experiment yourself in different ways, than when you're watching someone else do it formulaically.

Because one directly impacts people's lives for the better in meaningful ways, and the other causes harm, exists only for profit, or is totally abstract. One involves the and of the learner with their own , and the other is being lectured to by someone who thinks they know what's "really" important.

If you want to more people in and science, ask them . Emphasize the of science, don't treat it as a set of established . Engage with of and in your field, as well as work. And find ways to make your work felt positively in people's lives. Change what a is, and what science is for.

#alienation #science #industry #government #engineering #practical #applications #research #philosophy #politics #art #active #participation #engagement #curiosity #interest #learning #questions #process #facts #issues #representation #ethics #interdisciplinary #scientist

Last updated 1 year ago

Empirefunds · @Empirefunds2023
0 followers · 4 posts · Server

on digital marketing platforms has been a major challenge story globally and has become a major contributor for eruptions in Web 3 and meter easy ecosystem


Last updated 1 year ago

Feromoon :verified: · @feromoon
52 followers · 692 posts · Server
Feromoon :verified: · @feromoon
52 followers · 691 posts · Server
mythologyandhistory · @mythologyandhistory
765 followers · 189 posts · Server

Did you know that weather led an to develop a very rare ?

Pingalap in Micronesia, has 250 inhabitants.

In 1775, a typhoon devastated it & only 20 people survived. These 20 repopulated the island & by the 4th generation, 2.7% of the had complete achromatopsia: a total inability to perceive , with bright light & lack of acuity.

The carrier was surviving ruler Doahkaesa Mwanenihsed. All current residents are his descendants.

#genetics #history #visual #issues #colour #population #disease #island

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
177 followers · 355 posts · Server
serrq · @serrq
6 followers · 145 posts · Server

Can you confirm a maintenance of your server currently?

My sister phone cannot update from fdroid side (simplex repo).

Fdroid returns "no answer from server" when she try to download a new version (update).


#simplexchat #simplex #issues #server

Last updated 1 year ago

serrq · @serrq
6 followers · 145 posts · Server

Can you confirm a maintenance of your server currently?

My sister phone cannot update from fdroid side (simplex repo).

Fdroid returns "no answer from server" when try to download a new version (update).


#simplexchat #simplex #issues #server

Last updated 1 year ago

serrq · @serrq
6 followers · 145 posts · Server

Can you confirm a maintenance of your server currently?

My sister phone cannot update from fdroid side (simplex repo).

It returns "no answer from server" when try to download a new version (update).


#simplexchat #simplex #issues #server

Last updated 1 year ago

Ink 19 · @ink19
8 followers · 346 posts · Server
getmisch · @GetMisch
65 followers · 775 posts · Server

Healthy people, w/ mild cases, still affected: "People who got COVID-19 & were asymptomatic or got [a case] that was so mild they were able to nurse it at home w/o going to the doctor, still developed an increased risk of heart problems a year out." Johns Hopkins study, '22.
| of | - at the

#COVID #spares #no #one #even #mild #cases #bring #increased #risk #heart #issues #arrythmia #blood #clots #stroke #years #later #otherwise #healthy #people #not #hopitalized #time

Last updated 1 year ago

Feromoon :verified: · @feromoon
43 followers · 1301 posts · Server
News18 India · @News18India
17 followers · 1725 posts · Server

India-UK Free Trade Agreement: Duty concessions on auto, confectionery items likely. Negotiations near conclusion, October or November possible

#india #ukfreetradenearsconclusion #dairysector #data #issues

Last updated 1 year ago

KaosFamilyArt · @kaos657
217 followers · 2959 posts · Server
Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1321 followers · 91720 posts · Server

Worse are only those folks that literally abuse as and system for in lieu of of / and an actual !

#Documentation #GitLab #GitHub #issues #FLOSS #support #IssueTracker #Discord

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1498 followers · 13397 posts · Server

"How did someone like you produce a child who thinks so very, very much?" (also me, to my parents)

And that last 👏🏿

is well-written and , with a lot of really great .

The covers of , , , , and more using serious and that's still too rare in .

I strongly recommend this .

#thecriterionchannel #movie #cinema #black #dialogue #intellectual #adult #cultures #Race #patriarchy #womanhood #issues #Film #shots #Acted #losingground #scene

Last updated 1 year ago

Laravista · @laravista
20 followers · 277 posts · Server

Undefined variable $pipes

Accetto suggerimenti per questo problema su

#issues #AlterVista #php #laravel #LaraVista

Last updated 1 year ago