RT @MartinaAyoub4@twitter.com
Grateful for the opportunity to present my work,in person in @Georgetown@twitter.com, on collaboration for transition in #IST2022 @ist_strn@twitter.com, special thanks to @MIOIR@twitter.com for their support with this research!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MartinaAyoub4/status/1596246837912301568
RT @ZaharKoretsky
Some relatable points from @BenjaminSovaco1's #IST2022 pres. today:
funding limits research design rigor (comparative and longit'l design is expensive);
less critique, more pol. recommendations;
too much focus on exotic tech, too little on mundane eg bikes, stoves and lightbulbs
RT @neelakshijoshi
What makes for an excellent research output ? Words of wisdom from @BenjaminSovaco1 at @ist_strn #ist2022
RT @cehoicka@twitter.com
My #ist2022 presentation exploring the extent to which a range of actors are involved in the complementarity of variable renewable energy sources co-authored with N Bekirsky @mcbrisb@twitter.com & @luramirezca@twitter.com https://youtu.be/rFKGzOv9a4g based on this #openaccess paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112368
Just held our presentation on "Contribution of real-world experiments to establish sustainable practices and decolonializing mindsets" at the #International #Sustainability Conference 2022 #ist2022
We argue that these experiments have a high potential to build safe spaces for experimental learning and the development of transformative skills.
#Decolonization #ClimateAction #SustainableLifestyles #SelfExperiment #Handprint #Climate #science
#International #sustainability #ist2022 #decolonization #ClimateAction #sustainablelifestyles #selfexperiment #Handprint #climate #science
Join us today at
the International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2022 #IST2022 for a dialogue on ''Extending multi-system #transitions from Earth to Space'' at 2.30pmCET. We'll discuss #geography, Deep Transition, mobility, & use of #space for controversial #GeoEngineering with
Xiao-Shan Yap, Laur Kanger, Jochen Markard, and BernhardTruffer
#Geoengineering #space #geography #transitions #ist2022