Who is more stupid?
This white supremacist be-atch who loves paling around with convicted terrorists like #EnriqueTarrio or
The moronic school staff that banned a book because of ONE complaint?
#istandwithamandagorman #enriquetarrio
Hey #ProudBoys supporting hateful #DailySalinas.....
"We will not be turned around
Or interrupted by intimidation
Because we know our inaction and inertia
Will be the inheritance of the next generation
Our blunders become their burdens
But one thing is certain
If we merge mercy and might
And might with right
Then love becomes our legacy
And change, our children's birthright." - Amanda Gorman
👆🏼 This is what all like Daily are afraid of.
#proudboys #dailysalinas #istandwiththehillweclimb #istandwithamandagorman