The violence and aggressiveness of this twisted intervention isn't helping the Tibetan cause, quote the contrary, it shows a men willing to twist and bend reality to fit a particular narrative, without an ounce of objectivity.
"you're either with me or against me" kinda tone
RT @JigmeUgen
Y’all Owe His Holiness The #DalaiLama An Apology!
#IStandWithDalaiLama #FreeTibet
#dalailama #istandwithdalailama #freetibet
A worthy response to spin-doctor Jigme Ugen :
Cultural context, multi-edged swords
#dalailama #IStandWithDalaiLama #JigmeUgen
#dalailama #istandwithdalailama #jigmeugen
The real issue isn't suck my tongue, the real issue is Abuses in Tibetan Buddhism #istandwithdalailama #ISupportDalaiLama #dalailama Knew in 93, in 2018 received 12 new testimonials of abuses in #Rotterdam and didn't do anything.
#istandwithdalailama #isupportdalailama #dalailama #rotterdam
@pema0_o RT by @frances_hui: Happening now: thousands of Tibetans in New York march from the PRC Consulate demanding the media to stop defaming HH the Dalai Lama ✊🏽 Protesters chanted “Long Live the Dalai Lama!” “China out of Tibet now!” And “Tibet belongs to Tibetans!” #IStandWithDalaiLama #Freetibet
#istandwithdalailama #freetibet
@TenzinChimee RT by @badiucao: Free Tibet #IStandWithDalaiLama
The real issue isn't the tongue incident, even though it can be considered abusive in other parts of the world (even when taking into account the "cultural trap") the real issue is Sexual Abuses in Tibetan #Buddhism
#buddhism #istandwithdalailama #dalailama
What's more important for (western or native) Tibetan Buddhists?
#TibetanBuddhism #IStandWithDalaiLama #ISupportDalaiLama #DalaiLama
#tibetanbuddhism #istandwithdalailama #isupportdalailama #dalailama
The real issue is NOT cultural, the real issue is Abuses in Tibetan Buddhism #istandwithdalailama #ISupportDalaiLama #dalailama Knew in 93, in 2018 received 12 new testimonials of abuses in #Rotterdam and didn't do anything.
#istandwithdalailama #isupportdalailama #dalailama #rotterdam
The real issue is NOT cultural, the real issue is Abuses in Tibetan Buddhism #istandwithdalailama #ISupportDalaiLama #dalailama Knew in 93, in 2018 received 12 new testimonials of abuses in #Rotterdam and didn't do anything.
#istandwithdalailama #isupportdalailama #dalailama #rotterdam
RT @tnammy1O1
Peace rally in Ladakh today ✊🏽🔋❤️🩹
#istandwithdalailama #longlivedalailama
Survivor of Tibetan Buddhist abuses call to DalaiLama to drop OKC cult #IStandWithDalaiLama #DalaiLama
#istandwithdalailama #dalailama
最早為此事說話的VICE記者 Pallavi Pundir說這話lost in translation (,後來還發表了一文專門解釋 “suck my tongue”這話 (。我看到有人願意相信並接受這樣的解釋。這樣的人是很少的。
我fo的🇲🇾 人沒看到這報導,🇲🇾 媒體也沒再報導此事了。這是必然的,一個星期前的事沒人鳥了,然而我相信,達賴喇嘛在他們心中就是一個pedo。這樣的人是很多的。
推特上有後續的潑髒水,說他是CIA agent 啦,錢哪裡來的啦blablabla。
我這兩天才在推特上看到西藏人。翻開他們的這一星期的Tweet,他們從一開始的濃濃的無力感,本著清者自清以及希望觀眾快快忘記,然而後來越來越多的撥髒水,才開始行動起來,像是 #Istandwithdalailama 之類的。
What has been most painful for Tibetans and our allies is witnessing
the rush to condemn the Dalai Lama. Any attempt to understand Tibetan culture,
the full context of the exchange, and this nearly 90-year-old icon of global peace has been shockingly absent from most media coverage and online discourse #istandwithdalailama
What Tibetans and #IStandWithDalaiLama are doing on TWITTER And IN THE MEDIA is to gaslight the entire planet.
It's literally #DARVO used at a scale that has never been seen before.
They are literally enforcing upon us and everyone how we should see the @DalaiLama
Survivor of Tibetan Buddhist abuse call to DalaiLama to drop OKC cult #IStandWithDalaiLama #DalaiLama
#istandwithdalailama #dalailama
Of course it counts as child abuse!
and it should be denounced as much as other abuses against other human beings.
RT @ten52182
@BuddhistLeaks @Abukarmavlog @DalaiLama Can you please add CCP‘s name to the list also.? They have been taking millions of our Tibetan children’s forcibly into boarding schools to turn them into 100% Chinese . Does it not count as child abuse also?
#istandwithdalailama #isupportdalailama
Il vero problema non è la lingua, il vero problema sono gli abusi nel buddismo tibetano #istandwithdalailama #dalailama Sapeva nel 93, sapeva nel 2018, e poi ha ricevuto 12 nuove testimonianze di abusi a #Rotterdam e dopo non ha fatto nulla.
#istandwithdalailama #dalailama #rotterdam
De echte kwestie is niet de tong, de echte kwestie is Misstanden in het Tibetaans boeddhisme #istandwithdalailama #dalailama Wist in 93, wist in 2018 en kreeg toen 12 Nieuwe getuigenissen van misstanden in #Rotterdam en deed daarna niets meer.
#istandwithdalailama #dalailama #rotterdam