I want receipts. P L E A S E.
RT @LordAslanThe2nd
Emily, she's not going to fuck you.
RT @EKaht
I am delighted to share that I am officially the Guinness World Record holder for fastest half marathon dressed as a witch.
Inspired by @jk_rowling , I ran with a special message wrapped around my broomstick. #ThisWitchDoesntBurn
#thiswitchdoesntburn #istandwithjkrowling
Fastest duck to milkshake itself.
RT @EKaht
I am delighted to share that I am officially the Guinness World Record holder for fastest half marathon dressed as a witch.
Inspired by @jk_rowling , I ran with a special message wrapped around my broomstick. #ThisWitchDoesntBurn
#thiswitchdoesntburn #istandwithjkrowling
RT @ThatGcBich@twitter.com
Get your hot takes RIGHT HERE! The tides on tiktok are turning yall
#gaslighting #misogyny #sexMatters #NotoSelfID #BornNotMade #notYourCis #IStandWithJKRowling
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThatGcBich/status/1624904870393266177
#gaslighting #misogyny #SexMatters #notoselfid #bornnotmade #notyourcis #istandwithjkrowling
RT @yipadeedoodah@twitter.com
My woman of the year (as ever) is @jk_rowling@twitter.com. Never believe the smear campaign. She is a beautiful human who stands up for marginalized and vulnerable women. She’s a fearless and kind warrior of feminism and she writes pretty darn good books too. 😉 #IStandWithJKRowling ♥️ 🧙♀️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/yipadeedoodah/status/1608890003584880643
As a post op transsexual woman of 35 years and being biologically a human female I am a woman.
We’ve already got single sex spaces, we don’t need single white spaces like the racists want
RT @duchess_elle
As a post-op transsexual-woman of 13 years and being biologically male, I am in no way, shape, or form a woman.
Women and girls need single-sex spaces. Protect women and children.
RT @PunkJess92
JK Rowling is a bully and an abuser.
Pick one of the #IStandWithJKRowling crowd at random, and their Twitter feed will be wall-to-wall transphobia and homophobia
That’s her legacy now.
RT @kaine_magi@twitter.com
Twitter will act if you:
“Misgendering” somebody on Twitter ✅
Refusing to acknowledge a man as a woman ✅
Refuse to belief that the T belongs with LGB ✅
Send somebody death threats & threats of violence ❌
Today more than ever #IStandWithJKRowling
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kaine_magi/status/1558443943108411393
RT @BanrionVI@twitter.com
I think I’d take “incredibly troublesome” as a compliment.
#IStandWithJKRowling and disobedient women everywhere. https://twitter.com/kdansky/status/1564278178910289921
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BanrionVI/status/1564314646030520321
RT @TwisterFilm@twitter.com
JK Rowling should be every thinking gay man's icon. In time, when the penny finally drops, I'm certain she will be.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TwisterFilm/status/1543197372318105600
以这个故事为例,你觉得这是言论自由被侵犯吗?首先 Gillian Philip仍然是一名作家,在推特上有十几万粉丝继续发表她的看法,可能还做了卡车司机。她没有像专制国家那样被消失。
RT @AlyssaM_InfoSec
With #IStandWithJKRowling trending as she returns an award she didn't deserve, it's important to point out a few things.
1. Her whole premise is based on the faulty logic that allowing trans people to pee and poop in the bathroom that matches their gender somehow erases sex. 1/