L’édition 2023 du congrès de l’International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) a mis en lumière l'importance de donner une voix aux #élèves, de les laisser faire des choix et de personnaliser leur #apprentissage. L'#IA joue un rôle crucial dans cette mission.
Source : Alexandra Coutlée | L'École branchée
#ISTELive #éducation #technologies
#eleves #apprentissage #ia #istelive #education #technologies
The city of brotherly love where rhythm and blues lived. #flipboard #philly #istelive #teaching #schools
#flipboard #philly #istelive #teaching #schools
Lors du congrès annuel de l’ISTE, qui s'est tenu à Philadelphie, un panel de discussion organisé par #MicrosoftEdu a réuni des experts de renom dans le domaine de l'#éducation et de la #technologie. Les panélistes Vicki Davis, Scott Bricker, Sallee Clark et Joe Brazier ont discuté d'intelligence artificielle (#IA) et d’intelligence humaine (HI) dans le contexte de l'éducation.
Source : Audrey Miller | L'École branchée
#microsoftedu #education #technologie #ia #istelive #istelive23
Voici une série de découvertes suite à la participation des représentantes de L'École branchée à l'édition 2023 de la #conférence annuelle de l'International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), qui s'est tenue à Philadelphie du 25 au 28 juin.
👥 Holly Clark (The Infused Classroom) - Matt Miller (Ditch That Textbook) - Eric Curts (Control Alt Achieve)...
Source : Audrey Miller
#éducation #technologie #ISTELive #ISTELive23
#conference #education #technologie #istelive #istelive23
The perfect 🔁 loop. #flipboard #education #podcast #podcasts #teaching #mastodon #istelive
#flipboard #education #podcast #podcasts #teaching #mastodon #istelive
Five of My Favorite Take-aways from #ISTELive https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2023/06/five-of-my-favorite-take-aways-from.html
: OK. I used the wrong hashtag! I meant #ISTELive conference. Has anyone gone to this conference and if so, how did you like it? How does one get involved with this organization?
Coolest bit of swag I’ve seen at #ISTELive. Cool enough for me to take a look at the product.
Also, I’m pretty sure this is how Hellraiser started.
Thank you, Nicole & Brandon. This session on procurement is by far the best one I've attended.
I love the myth addressing pages: https://myths.courseofmind.org/learning-styles
and the tools for creating a rubric of question when working with vendors is outstanding.
#ISTELive Day 2 for me.
Might be day one for lots of folks. It feels much more crowded today.
Ready for procurement tips.
Are you #notAtISTE like me?Join others who ar also not attending #ISTELive https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2fEoSz80qTkICrOB0Gj4swbN1RI4061SjImIkTEWYQQ-SrQ/viewform
Five years ago today
#istelive #coffeeedu #edtechhero
Thank you, Tara, Jeff, Hazel & Arielle!
I learned a lot from your session on incident response and table top exercises.
Thank you, Emily Thomas
Your presentation on creating games with Slides was very helpful.
Big kudos sent your way from our presenter on gamifying Google Slides.
She's showing your Google Slides Choose Your Own Adventure presentation, the one created by your students.