Is there an app that converts podcasts to articles?
I have tried listening. It's not my medium. But I have some content that I want to access. Tips? Apps?
#AskFedi #PodcastAndChill #Podcast #Podcasts #IsThereAnAppForThat #TheresAnAppForThat
[Edited to add: a very low tech, easy to use app, please and thank you! I'm not open source software literate]
#theresanappforthat #isthereanappforthat #podcasts #podcast #PodcastandChill #askfedi
@jellyfoot Wait: since he's in the middle, does that make "Their" "Jesuii" a "_Sorta_ Penitent Thief"? Also, "I Am Not A Plumber", but might want to have one look at that "Lake of Fire" a few thousand years that things gonna back up somethin' fierce!
#SubGenius #SillyReligions #HowManyLicksDoesItTakeToGetToTheCenterOfAMotherSuperior #DontHateThaPlayerHateThaFanClub #ADhaoInTimeSavesYouALotOfHassle #IsThereAnAppForThat #SaviorSchmavior
#subgenius #sillyreligions #howmanylicksdoesittaketogettothecenterofamothersuperior #donthatethaplayerhatethafanclub #adhaointimesavesyoualotofhassle #isthereanappforthat #saviorschmavior