Mit der Familie im Corona Lockdown in der ersten Schul- und Arbeitswoche 🎉 Freue mich schon auf den Rest vom Herbst.
#itaintover #thatpandemic #drinnenbei30grad
First in person team meeting in 3 months cancelled because the boss has Covid. Sigh.
Film Review: IT AIN’T OVER (2022): Yogi Berra Documentary Should Have New York Yankees Fans Cheering in the Aisles
#FilmBook #MovieReview #BillyCrystal #BobCostas #CarmenBerra #DaleBerra #DerekJeter #ItAintOver #JoeTorre #LindsayBerra #MovieReview #SeanMullin #SonyPicturesClassics #WillieRandolph #YogiBerra
#filmbook #moviereview #billycrystal #bobcostas #carmenberra #daleberra #derekjeter #itaintover #joetorre #lindsayberra #seanmullin #sonypicturesclassics #willierandolph #yogiberra
Up since 4, more or less. Ugh. I'm enroute to the airport for a business trip. I'm in an ffp2 mask in a shuttle van. Nobody else is. I know people from work with fresh covid cases in their households. Don't these other passengers? #ItAintOver