🔵 Ieri la nave civile @marego_vessel ha assistito 9 imbarcazioni in difficoltà con a bordo ~400 persone.8 di queste sono state soccorse dalla Guardia Costiera italiana, mentre l'ultima dalla nave civile, che ha sbarcato stamane a #Trapani le 57 persone soccorse.MARE*GO: ❗️1/5 Yesterday, Mare*Go assisted 9 distress cases (approx. 400 people). Our RHIB #LeaveNoOneBehind supported the evacuations of 8/9 boats to #ItalianCoastGuard, 1 boat was evacuated to Mare*Go. Mare*Go was assigned Trapani as the place of safety, and is on her way.
#trapani #leavenoonebehind #italiancoastguard
Italian coastguard violates PM Meloni’s decree on NGOs operating at sea https://www.euractiv.com/section/migration/news/italian-coastguard-violates-pm-melonis-decree-on-ngos-operating-at-sea/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Italiancoastguard #Meloni #Migration #NGOs
#italiancoastguard #meloni #migration #ngos