Went back to the #ItalianMarket today to see an update on the mural, and it looks like the artist finished the wall. #streetart #graffiti
#italianmarket #streetart #graffiti
I made a pit stop at the #ItalianMarket today--I wanted to stop at Fante's to ask about special ordering a #tagliapunterelle. This tiny Italian woman tells me their order is currently on a ship coming from Italy and to check in two weeks. I could have kissed her! I also bought a bag of fresh figs, a quarter pound of sharp provolone, and some Claudio's burrata, so it was extra worth the trip.
#italianmarket #tagliapunterelle #cooking #punterelle #philadelphia
Hope they stick in the new place. Easily a top-10 sandwich place in the City of Sandwiches when they're around.
RT @italianmarket@twitter.com
We are excited to welcome back Paesano's back to South Philly! Come say hello and get all of your sandwich needs filled Wednesday - Sunday at 943 S 9th Street! #ItalianMarket #9thStreet #PhillyFoodie #Hoagie
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/italianmarket/status/1608222666942517249
#italianmarket #9thstreet #phillyfoodie #hoagie