Sto ascoltando i sublimi #Alphataurus
Brano: La mente vola (#1973)
Qualcuno ha detto:
=> "#ItalianProg is suprime"
Beh, aveva ragione.
#Mastoprog #progressiverock #progrock #ProgressiveItaliano #FediMusic #UnoRadio #UnoProg #FediProg
#alphataurus #italianprog #mastoprog #progressiverock #progrock #progressiveitaliano #fedimusic #unoradio #unoprog #fediprog
Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
Locanda Delle Fate - Forse le Lucciole Si Amano Piu
Osanna - Landscape of Life
Biglietto per L’inferno - Biglietto per l’inferno
Another #italianprog night, this time with lesser known bands, at least to me. Good stuff!
New #review today: "Imagine, if you will, that you are reclining in a meadow on a summer afternoon, gazing at the clouds as they slowly drift over you, and then waking later realizing that you lost one hour of your life. That experience is akin to listening to the Italian band L'Estate di San Martino’s new album Kim." #ExposeOnline #ProgRock #ItalianProg #EstateDiSanMartino
#estatedisanmartino #italianprog #progrock #exposeonline #review
New #review today: "I have a soft spot for 70s #ItalianProg rock, and I find it wonderful discovering new Italian bands that pay homage to those pioneers while creating a modern neo-prog sound. Case in point is the new band #LimiteAcqueSicure, a band of experienced musicians..." #ExposeOnline #ProgRock
#progrock #exposeonline #limiteacquesicure #italianprog #review
Here's a new #review for Sono dentro di Me by #ZoneM. "ZoneM is an Italian experimental progressive rock band that just released their debut album, Sono dentro di Me, the personal project of Beppi Menozzi with collaborations from other players in the Italian progressive, jazz, and heavy rock scene." #ExposeOnline #progrock #ItalianProg
#italianprog #progrock #exposeonline #zonem #review
Today's new #review looks at Omnia Sunt Communia by #GruppoAutonomoSuonatori. "Gruppo Autonomo Suonatori (G.A.S.) is an Italian #progrock group formed in 1997 that originally performed Le Orme covers. Now, after 25 years, they’ve released their first studio album..." #ExposeOnline #ItalianProg
#italianprog #exposeonline #progrock #gruppoautonomosuonatori #review
New #review today: Il Pianeta della Verità by Il #GiroStrano. "They recorded their only album, La Divina Commedia, in 1973, but it never saw the light of day until nearly twenty years later in 1992 on Mellow Records. Now after an additional thirty years, Black Widow Records has reissued the album as Il Pianeta della Verità on both CD and double LP with two bonus tracks." #ExposeOnline #progrock #ItalianProg
#italianprog #progrock #exposeonline #girostrano #review
I've been revisiting one of my major musical loves, Italian Prog! These guys picked up the ball from the English bands and ran with it (I guess they are playing rugby in this metaphor). First up: Uomo di Pezza by Le Orme - 2nd album, lots of simple songs with weird "bowel tone" interjections from the synth. La Porta Chiusa reminds me of being plastered in Venice and getting completely lost at night. #ItalianProg #ProgressiveRock #RockProgressivoItaliano #LeOrme
#italianprog #progressiverock #rockprogressivoitaliano #leorme
#NowPlaying #ItalianProg
• Sensations' Fix - Finest Finger (1976)
• Roberto Cacciapaglia - Sei Note In Logica (1979)
#NowPlaying #ItalianProg
• Locanda delle Fate - Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Piu (1977)
• Ibis - Ibis (1975)
#NowPlaying #ItalianProg
• Ibis - Sun Supreme (1974)
• Jumbo - DNA (1972)
#NowPlaying #ItalianProg
• Latte E Miele - Passio Secundum Mattheum (1972)
• Mauro Pelosi - Al Mercato Degli Uomini Piccoli (1973)
#NowPlaying #ItalianProg
• Jumbo - Vietato Ai Minori Di 18 Anni (1973)
• Sensations Fix - Portable Madness (1974)
#NowPlaying #ItalianProg
• Balletto Di Bronzo - YS (1972)
• De De Lind - Io Non So Da Dove Vengo (1972)