Paola P · @paolap
54 followers · 15 posts · Server

(from latin Feriae Augusti) is the celebration, on the 15th of August. It also coincides with the religious celebration of the Virgin Mary’s assumption.
In lay terms this is the peak of the summer holidays, after which people usually go home and start another year of waiting and longing for the next break.

#ferragosto #italian #summer #summerholydays #italiantraditions #italy

Last updated 1 year ago

Loon Martian · @loonmartian
5 followers · 18 posts · Server

I really miss Carnival. One, maybe the only one, Italian tradition I miss for real. I can make a nativity scene by myself, no big deal, but how do you do Carnival by yourself? There's no floats, no masquerade, no putting your nose out of the door and finding the pavement full of confetti.
(Thank god I dress up as a clown by myself in my everyday life. At least I've got that going for me)

#livingabroad #norway #carnival #italiantraditions #italiansabroad #emigration #lifeabroad #italiansinnorway

Last updated 2 years ago