In Italien wird gerade die 21-jährige, queere Musikerin Madame zum Star, die in ihrer Musik, sowohl mit italienischen Musiktraditionen spielt, als auch mit Trap- und HipHop-Einflüssen den Zeitgeist trifft.
#Azzurro #CrucchiGang #DerSongDesTages #EricPfeil #FrancescoWilking #Italien #ItaloPop #Madame #Popfilter #SanRemo #Songempfehlung #Takeover #Trap #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#azzurro #crucchigang #dersongdestages #ericpfeil #francescowilking #italien #italopop #madame #popfilter #sanremo #songempfehlung #takeover #trap #popfilterdersongdestages
So here we are: Miko Mission's "Two For Love" video, a kind of Giallo 'Ashes To Ashes' made for 20 p and the cost of a fruit knife (or is it a cheese knife?). I like a few of his songs and appreciate the fact that he was older than the main crop of bouffant Italo-boys. He was probably using the power of mime to open interdimensional portals to mysterious rain-washed cities when Den Harrow was in short pants.