I’m super excited about my forthcoming book "Cold War American Exhibitions of Italian Art and Design”! I just got the author hard copies in the mail and can’t wait for everyone to be able to check it out.
It’s out on lucky July 13th, but you can pre-order today. Through the end of August, you can use the code SMA36 to get 20% off the book. Learn more on the Routledge website: https://routledge.pub/Cold-War-American-Exhibitions-of-Italian-Art-and-Design
#ColdWarAmericanExhibitions #ItalyArtWork
#coldwaramericanexhibitions #italyartwork
My book “Cold War American Exhibitions of Italian Art and Design: “Italy at Work: Her Renaissance in Design Today”” is on the Routledge website y’all!
Due out in July!
#ItalyArtWork #ItalianArt #ArteItaliana #DesignItaliano
#italyartwork #italianart #arteitaliana #designitaliano