Gestern wollte ich mal wieder jemandem, der mit IT sowas von gar nix am Hut hat, erklären, was ich beruflich mache. Ich konnte das Fragezeichen über seinem Kopf förmlich sehen. Nein, ich schraube keine Starlink-SAT-Internetschüsseln an Häuserwände und ich mach' auch keine FInanzberatung 😁 #ITConsultant #Azure and #Datacenter
#datacenter #azure #itconsultant
Heute und morgen Urlaubsvertetung für einen Kollegen bei einem Kunden, wo wir 2 Tage/Woche Azure-Operations übernehmen....erst mal in der neuen Umgebung orientieren und die Ticket-Queue sichten #ITConsultant
when I found SAGE-AU closed in 2018 and ITPA replaced it, I joined ITPA (Information Technology Professional Associations) #systemsadministrator #developer #itconsultant #association #itpa #sageau
#systemsadministrator #developer #itconsultant #association #itpa #sageau
Hello all thanks for the welcome! I’m an #ITConsultant and #amateur extra living in the San Juan Islands of Washington State USA. Diving deep into #hfradio with my X6100 and IC-7300 and the fun of@operation abroad! 73!
#hfradio #amateur #itconsultant
Howdy, Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Justin Reiners, I live in Sioux Falls, SD,
I own Reiners Cloud Consulting, and decided to host my own mastodon server for others.
I've got 25 years Linux and Sysadmin experience, I ended up going on my own after 12 years for as their cloud architect.
I do websites, hosting, and cool things with Linux.
I'm part of the vast twitter migration, and excited to be here. #introductions #hello #Linux #ITConsultant
#introductions #hello #linux #itconsultant
Hi fediverse 👋
Finally time for a short intro about myself.
My name is Michi, living in Germany 🇩🇪
I‘m #iOSDev and #ITConsultant @ #Netlight
Mostly interested topics are #Swift #SwiftUI #iOS #macOS #smarthome #HomeAssistant and #KNX
#iosdev #itconsultant #netlight #swift #swiftui #iOS #macos #smarthome #homeassistant #knx
Honestly at this point I might want to start my own business.
I've had two interviews this week and both of them turned me down after the interview.
I've been applying to jobs faster than a rabbit can reproduce and I found no jobs.
Part of the reason why I feel this way is because I am definitely qualified for a job I applied for #ITConsultant
Why don't I just start my own business where I fix people's computers and also be an IT consultant myself.