I'm no urban planner, not a traffic engineer, etc, but I'd go to the Joint ITE International and Western District Annual Meeting and Exhibition if I could!
Listening in on Peter Koonce and an interesting panel presenting on after-dark safety for pedestrians. Data, modelling, social impacts, and more! Thanks #ite #PedestrianSafety
Ich habe nun www.logseq.com entdeckt und es ist das, was mir jahrelang gefehlt hat. #ITE #information
@CharmingDolphins "I'm not crazy!" 😁
Yes, did finally get a 3 octave Roland controller last year, but I know my skills on it are far behind what I can imagine in my head, so I really just use it for auditioning sounds more easily.
I play guitar and bass to a good standard but nearly always write the bass parts on the grid and even some of the guitar themes. Not having my hands on an instrument literally unlocks my imagination (and prevents muscle memory making me play/write the same old ##ite!)