RT @MattTheApp@twitter.com
Thanks @JvRemoortere@twitter.com for the suggestion of including more background options. Square and isometric backgrounds are now available on the Blank White Board.
#maths #mathswhiteboard #mathsresources #mathsteacher #iteachmaths #mathsed
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MattTheApp/status/1618724262348722176
#maths #mathswhiteboard #mathsresources #MathsTeacher #iteachmaths #mathsed
Verwendet Ihr Tabellenkalkulationsprogramme im Sek1-Unterricht? Wenn ja, wofür? Wenn nein, warum nicht?
Grobe Ideen: Diagramme erstellen und /ent/stellen in Statistik, Simulationen für die Entwicklung des Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriff, Zellbezüge und Funktionen für Variablen und Terme
#FediLZ #MathEdu #MatheEdu #MathematikEdu #math #maths #mathematik #iteachmaths #mtbos
#FediLZ #mathEDU #MatheEdu #MathematikEDU #math #maths #mathematik #iteachmaths #mtbos
Tried to teach my Year 12s today to draw reciprocal functions, eg 1/(x-4) by considering limits x -> infty, -infty and 4 (from above and below). I did this because this is definitely how I do it. I don't substitute and I don't think about translations and I want them to have these skills. Well. It all went swimmingly until we had to think about the distinction of limits from above and below. So now whenever they draw a recip function it only has positive parts...
#edutooter #iteachmaths #MTBoS