#Louisiana’s Governor has sided with local taxing authorities in #NewOrleans over a $5+ million tax dispute with #FolgersCoffee. After the city government denied applications through #ITEP, Folgers appealed to a state board, which ultimately decided to grant the exemptions.
In refusing to approve the exemptions, Governor Edwards is returning the authority to tax back where it belongs: with the local bodies who are closest to the benefits and costs of these decisions.
#Louisiana #neworleans #folgerscoffee #itep
A generation of firsts for Indigenous women: Sharon Meyer's story
#IndigenousPeoples #FirstNations #Kanata #Canada #Saskatchewan #Education #SharonMeyer #ITEP #Poverty #Racism #Cree #OTC
#indigenouspeoples #firstnations #kanata #canada #saskatchewan #education #sharonmeyer #itep #poverty #racism #cree #OTC
#Louisiana’s #ITEP program offers big businesses relief from local taxes while largely cutting local taxing authorities out of the picture. In recent years, reform of ITEP gave local leaders a voice in vetoing applications, but now it seems companies can appeal to the Board of Commerce and Industry (and win).
#FolgersCoffee sought an appeal to the board, which let them off the hook for at least $5 million in unpaid taxes.
From #LAIlluminator:
#Louisiana #itep #folgerscoffee #lailluminator
#Wisconsin’s wealthiest have highest state income tax rate. But add up what they pay in all state & local taxes: it's a smaller share of their income than the rest of us. #FlatTax would widen that gap, #CarlDavis of #ITEP tells @erikgunn.
#wisconsin #flattax #carldavis #itep