Austin :fdl: · @riverrat
214 followers · 1456 posts · Server

’s Governor has sided with local taxing authorities in over a $5+ million tax dispute with . After the city government denied applications through , Folgers appealed to a state board, which ultimately decided to grant the exemptions.

In refusing to approve the exemptions, Governor Edwards is returning the authority to tax back where it belongs: with the local bodies who are closest to the benefits and costs of these decisions.

#Louisiana #neworleans #folgerscoffee #itep

Last updated 2 years ago

The-14 · @The14
18 followers · 596 posts · Server
Austin :fdl: · @riverrat
209 followers · 1384 posts · Server

’s program offers big businesses relief from local taxes while largely cutting local taxing authorities out of the picture. In recent years, reform of ITEP gave local leaders a voice in vetoing applications, but now it seems companies can appeal to the Board of Commerce and Industry (and win).

sought an appeal to the board, which let them off the hook for at least $5 million in unpaid taxes.

From :

#Louisiana #itep #folgerscoffee #lailluminator

Last updated 2 years ago

Wisconsin Examiner · @WIExaminer
222 followers · 97 posts · Server

’s wealthiest have highest state income tax rate. But add up what they pay in all state & local taxes: it's a smaller share of their income than the rest of us. would widen that gap, of tells @erikgunn.

#wisconsin #flattax #carldavis #itep

Last updated 2 years ago