I am a PHP Dev and a DJ, but a #macos beginner. What kind of apps would you recommend that will make my everyday life easier? Already using #brew, #iterm2, #ddev + #docker, #atext, #clipy. I am already considering #alfred
#macos #brew #iterm2 #Ddev #Docker #atext #clipy #alfred
I have just installed https://www.warp.dev #terminal on my #macOS personal laptop. ✨
It bring cool features: themes, AI integration, a cool user experience ("essentials" panel, command groups, command palette, etc.)... 😎
Let's see if it will replace #iTerm2... ⏳
Does anyone know if there's a way in #FishShell to have text printed via STDOUT colored differently? Or maybe a way in #iterm2 or Kitty ?
(I've been pondering switching to Kitty, but don't want to deal with configuring everything.)
@neekubee MacOS (primary), iOS, linux (my old macs all run linux, and of course my servers). #ObsidanMD #drafts #omnifocus #hookmark #fantastical #devonTHINK #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #MindNode #Omnivore #vim #vscode #iTerm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #iStatMenus #bartender #pcalc
#obsidanmd #drafts #hookmark #omnifocus #fantastical #devonthink #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #mindnode #omnivore #vim #vscode #iterm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #istatmenus #bartender #pcalc
does anybody know how to make the color rendering in #iTerm2 not live in the uncanny valley?
#SymLink: The article introduces Warp as a powerful alternative to iTerm2, highlighting its unique features like modern editing capabilities, GUI for tab completion, visual appeal, speed, and integrated AI capabilities, and encourages developers to explore Warp for an improved coding experience. #WarpTerminal #iTerm2 #TerminalEmulator #DeveloperTools #
#SymLink #warpterminal #iterm2 #terminalemulator #developertools
Anyone recall how to get #iterm2 to include colon by default when clicking to select text? My search-fu has failed me!
@defaultvlan my main two instant downloads on any new #Mac:
#iTerm2 (better terminal): https://iterm2.com/
#Homebrew (package management): https://brew.sh
If you need #Docker, I prefer #Colima to #DockerDesktop: https://github.com/abiosoft/colima
#mac #iterm2 #homebrew #docker #colima #dockerdesktop
@qwxlea i lol'ed because that workstation often hits a load avg north of 200 but the last few days i haven't been making it work hard cuz the UPS it's attached to has been failing and requiring a hard reset so i'm optimizing my backups and updating packages. learned #znapzend too!
the graph and details at the top are the built-in status monitors in #iTerm2 (version`Build 3.5.0beta10`) that you can toggle/change in Settings > Appearance. i'm using a (default built-in?) theme called `minimal`.
Madame denkt ja manchmal das ich im #HomeOffice nix mache. Um das zu beweisen versucht sie dann auf den Monitor zu schauen. Ich lasse dann mit #F12 schnell #iTerm2 reinfahren und dann sieht sie ein #Terminal mit #tmux und darin #htop ein #tail auf eine #logdatei ein #watch auf das #dateisystem und paar Ausgaben von #ansible … Das ist sehr überzeugend das ich schwer beschäftigt bin.
#homeoffice #f12 #iterm2 #terminal #tmux #htop #tail #logdatei #watch #dateisystem #ansible
Ohne #iTerm2 für #VisionPro ist das etwas lame 😀 #Apple #wwdc2023 #wwdc
#iterm2 #visionpro #apple #wwdc2023 #wwdc
#iTerm2 has so many features that the daily tips are usually things worth knowing. Possibly metrics-driven? It feels like one of those kitchen-sink file managers. Here's one that I wish I'd known about:
Трохи прикрасив свій термінал. При створенні/закритті #iTerm2 в мене ось таке
curl https://wttr.in/<your_place>
echo see you space cowboy|figlet -f starwars|lolcat; sleep 3
А що у вас?
I have been sponsoring #iTerm2 for over two years, and I don’t regret. It remains my favorite terminal emulator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITerm2
I've confirmed that my DynamicTitle PowerShell module works fine on macOS too🙌
You can show any information that is accessible from PowerShell on the title bar asynchronously. For instance, this one-liner shows a live-updating clock:
Start-DTTitle {Get-Date}
I opened up a GitHub Discussions page so come to share your ideas if you find a cool one!
(Thank you @JeffHicks for your suggestion and contribution.)